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People being pleased with Dart is only because they have not tasted better, everything is relative. Kotlin is miles ahead.

Yes, of course, everyone who disagrees with me is just an idiot who doesn’t know better. Excellent discourse.

That's right, my discourse has no argumentative value. I do not advance any substance allowing you to agree or disagree. It's just a difference at the premise level, I have experienced dart and I have experienced Kotlin. Learn boths properly (reading the kotlin guide is sufficent and can be done in an afternoon) and then you will be able to judge if I was wrong or not. From experience, the difference is huge and affect every aspects/features of the language, without even talking about the JVM ecosystem interop.

You seem to have a lot of very strongly held opinions in this thread that aren’t backed up by any evidence other than your personal opinion.

It’s clear that Flutter wasn’t for you for whatever reason and you seem to love Iconic which is great but obsessively hanging out on this thread and just trying to shit all over it at every opportunity you get without citing any evidence is weird.

Just go an enjoy Iconic. I don’t know why you keep trying to pick arguments with everyone here.

Someone else told him he should disclose that he works for Ionic and he’s claiming that he doesn’t work there. I don’t buy it, because the CEO of Ionic himself responded to me in this thread with some equally dismissive comments. Really weird behavior and it makes the Ionic team look super thin-skinned.

No, the ionic CEO yesimahunan often comment on HN and give generally neutral statements.

I am sick of people ignorance in GUI rendering engines and the religious myths they build over native, so I actively comment too because online GUI conversations are still on a middle age like era. If I wzs tied to Ionic I would try to please people, which I don't. In fact Ionic communication has often self victimized itself by corroborating the native rendering myth in lany of their blogs. The internet and HN indeed is a small place and seeing the Ionic CEO and one of the only person with expertise in 2D GUI renderers (me) on thr flutter 3.0 announcement is actually, not unlikely. But it surprises because on average on the internet, people don't care to push depth/accuracy into discussions.

BTW I am capable of pointing flaws in Ionic, the documentation on the web is often not up to date, and inn general I would much prefer a Kotlin based GUI framework (such as jetpack compose) over a JS framework (ionic). I am in fact the only person on HN to have an actual argument to defend a true Ionic competitor, based either on fastuidraw, piet-gpu or gecko but there's no point in discussing this given no one could contribute to the discussion.

fwiw I totally agree with your other comment on the insanity of CanvasKit. I'm just digging into low-level rendering myself, and immediately thought...wait, so you're writing in Skia, only to be compiled into WASM, feeding into a 2D canvas context, which is rendered by...Skia? tf?

Sometimes people must be protected from themselves and from the delusions of misinformation. See a recent example of people having their lifes ruined because they have been fooled by the promise of a crypto stablecoin here https://www.reddit.com/r/TerraLuna/ I mean yes flutter or newShinyFrameworkX does not cause as much harm and it is much more subtle. But the platform does matter. We are building user experiences, things that people will experience, a LOT. Any non-web solution is much inferior in terms of feature completeness/expressivity, and conteary to popular belief, is inferior in performance and energy efficiency. So yes I might have commented too much in this thread but that is a political act in essence, trying to advocate for the serious trustable solution that receive the most human resources.

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