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No, the ionic CEO yesimahunan often comment on HN and give generally neutral statements.

I am sick of people ignorance in GUI rendering engines and the religious myths they build over native, so I actively comment too because online GUI conversations are still on a middle age like era. If I wzs tied to Ionic I would try to please people, which I don't. In fact Ionic communication has often self victimized itself by corroborating the native rendering myth in lany of their blogs. The internet and HN indeed is a small place and seeing the Ionic CEO and one of the only person with expertise in 2D GUI renderers (me) on thr flutter 3.0 announcement is actually, not unlikely. But it surprises because on average on the internet, people don't care to push depth/accuracy into discussions.

BTW I am capable of pointing flaws in Ionic, the documentation on the web is often not up to date, and inn general I would much prefer a Kotlin based GUI framework (such as jetpack compose) over a JS framework (ionic). I am in fact the only person on HN to have an actual argument to defend a true Ionic competitor, based either on fastuidraw, piet-gpu or gecko but there's no point in discussing this given no one could contribute to the discussion.

fwiw I totally agree with your other comment on the insanity of CanvasKit. I'm just digging into low-level rendering myself, and immediately thought...wait, so you're writing in Skia, only to be compiled into WASM, feeding into a 2D canvas context, which is rendered by...Skia? tf?

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