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> A group of billionares? Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy?

How do you propose to allocate your newly found resources in a way that is not zero-sum?

That's impossible.

Furthermore, if you're proposing to follow the study authors' hypotheticals, and distribute on the basis of sex, race, etc, such distribution would be inherently biased and discriminatory.

The only rational conclusion is the one held by the majority here on YC, the majority of study participants, and myself: the authors are either lying or confused, the hypotheticals are zero-sum, and whatever identity groups that the authors think deserve to be marginalized (men, "white" people, etc) will lose out in their hypothetical resource distribution schemes.

> It really is the entire point of the study. Ironic.

The only thing the study proved that is you start by treating their errant false assumptions as fact, the intended result follows.

>The only rational conclusion is the one held by the majority here on YC.

Not sure when you conducted this survey, but your entire comment directly supports the study by professing exactly the false beliefs it describes. You just call these false beliefs "true" which is, of course, the point.

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