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This isn't about "many issues."

This is about relative social standing. Which is zero sum.

social standing is even less zero sum than capital. if I choose to respect you, that doesn't mean I have to kick the next person I see in the groin.

edit: sorry, now I see. how can you lord your wealth over the peasants if they are as rich as you? why should we as a society care how much you get you put yourself above others for no good reason?

That's not what relative social standing means.

Perhaps you could clear up the problem b y defining it for us so that we have a clear target to aim at.

The classic terms are sufficient. Upper, middle and lower class are all inherently relative terms. Everyone cannot be "upper class," or middle, or lower.

The terms might be classic (whatever that means) but the meaning varies from place to place and time to time.

Class in the UK does not necessarily have the same meaning as in the US for instance.

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