My middle schooler goes to Chicago Public Schools. They use Google Classroom for assignments and other communications.
I bought him a Chromebook for schoolwork, but also for other private things. When we logged in, the system installed GoGuardian monitoring software on the Chromebook without notice or permission.
And now I can't remove it. I wrote to GoGuardian support, and they replied that I had to contact the school or remove my son as a user. The instructions for removing him as a user do not work; on the contrary, I see the message " manages this user and may remotely manage settings and monitor user activity" and he can't be removed.
I did a full factory reset, signed in to his account again, and now the system is once again locked down.
So now I'm in the position where I have to ask permission from a local government entity to please let me install stuff and don't monitor the computer I bought and paid for.
Does anyone know how to refer these people to law enforcement for prosecution?
1) You somehow 'enrolled' the device into the Chromebook management. This is hard to do by mistake but if you do, essentially puts the device under the control of the school district. It also uses up a license on their end. We only allow particular IT only accounts to enroll devices. 2) You're logging in with their CPS account. Once a person logs in with their managed account it can deploy user level policies that include everything you described: extensions, filtering, and blocking signing into another account in the browser. You'll also find some random pages are blocked to keep students from bypassing the restrictions.
That you can wipe the machine makes me think you didn't enroll it - if you wipe an enrolled device it will prompt/force you to re-enroll. You should be able to reboot the device so you land at the login screen and hit "Add Person" down at the bottom. From there sign in with a different Google account and it should be completely unaffected by any policy the school is deploying. Unless you enroll it, the policies are deployed to the Google account, not the device.
Its likely the CPS Help Desk Staffer you reached doesn't have the power to fix things for you if you've enrolled things - that usually requires permissions that are restricted to a few admins.
Feel free to shoot me a message via the email in my profile - I'm happy to give you some of the inside perspective and help you figure it out.