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I was wondering why that would be the case and a quick google basically comes up with this:

> He was born in South Africa so he could never become President of the United States.

Didn't know that was a requirement. TIL :D

You might recall a certain movement asking for Obama's birth certificate to prove that he was born in the US, back when he ran for president.

It's not completely clear that you need to be born in the US - several presidents and presidential candidates weren't - but it's pretty clear that foreigners who become naturalized US citizens later in life are not eligible to run for president.

Yes - I don’t believe there is a requirement to be born inside US territory (Ted Cruz was born in Canada and clearly desperately wants to be president!) - just to be a US citizen at birth.

Fun fact: George Washington was foreign born

The constitution explicitly has an exemption for those existing before ratification

He was born in the British colony of Virginia. There's no point in history where you could describe that as "foreign" to the US, in the same way you wouldn't say Stalin was "foreign born" from the USSR.

If not for that detail, Arnold would have run against Obama.

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