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I feel like if I showed this comment to your therapist, they'd detain you and try to get you some help.

Please do not write things like this where other people can see. It's shocking.

The prevailing theory for the past couple of decades at least is the world has been built for and generally favours men. But when someone suggests the exact same theory to explain why women are doing better you say they should be detained for mental illness?

Maybe it is the assertion that "They [women] don't care about history or the future. They just want to look good and get complements." which have people worry about the posters mental health? This is far beyond just saying society favors women.

To be fair, I don't think the quote necessarily implies mental issues. It could also just be a person which had very limited interaction with women or people in general.

He said many women he knows follow this pattern. Also, George Orwell did observe this too, it's the bit of Nineteen Eighty-Four that people forget.

Isn't it true? You can say more or less the same for most men. "They just want to look strong and get toys".

Your hypersensitivity is shocking. Are you sure you're not projecting your own personal issues?

Just to be clear for those seeing the flagged notice, the author wasn't violent or promoted hate against a gender.

Detain me for dissent?

What is so shocking about my comment?

Look at the suicide rates. It's highest for middle aged white men.

What's going on? And why are you so hostile to dissenting opinions?

Edit: my account seems to have been locked and I can't reply to posts here. My original comment contained some harsh truths about gender, which runs contrary to the present groupthink.

I'm leaving hacker news for good. The last thing I'll say is that if you keep censoring dissenting opinions, you'll end up in a delusional echo chamber. This will take you further and further away from reality until you are completely unadapted to the world as it is and become completely impotent in your attempts to navigate it. Those who oppose you do you a huge service by doing so. If you crush your opposition, you'll also destroy yourself.

Unfortunately this is hacker news where even upvoted comments are flagged and removed if they go against the hive mind.

Turning more into reddit.

I assumed his post must’ve been genuinely awful, based on how dramatic your response is, but it’s been flagged so I can’t see it. I did see a quote below from it which makes it seem pretty harmless and now my gut is that your post is probably more “shocking” than his was…

What’s with the current trend amongst certain members of society of using such extremely dramatic words to describe things that… aren’t actually that bad? It feels like a tabloid or something. “Shocking. Horrific. Abhorrent. Reprehensible.” (Like, unless you’ve been on the internet for a day, you really actually thought it was “shocking”?)

I’m seeing this everywhere now and it’s kind of annoying. It’s like you don’t have much of an argument, and you realize they probably have a point, but you want to silence the opposition, so you downvote, flag, and then write something super melodramatic as an attempt to scare others away from daring to have a similar opinion.

Pro-tip: you are likely reinforcing and bringing more people to the cause you so histrionically oppose.

It said things like "Women have always been better suited for taking orders and submitting." "women are better suited to thrive under oligarchic tyranny." Just enable showdead on your profile if you want to see all of it.

Am I wrong? Are women not the more submissive sex? Is it not generally accepted that men are more independent than women?

What's your argument against what I said?

No, this is not "generally accepted". Of course historically in traditional patriarchal cultures, women have been forced to submit, and men have had more individual freedom. That does not mean women are more more "suited" to submit any more than say enslaved peoples are more suited to submit than their captors.

There are plenty of examples of men willingly submitting to authority, e.g. in the military.

You are 100% correct in your statement, and even women themselves know this and admit it... and like it. Some may be more shy to admit it, but they all do - especially behind closed doors. Even the most feminist, Bernie-voting women I know.

The only problem with your statement is it goes against what our feminist, matriarchal schooling system and media have been shoving in our faces for the past several decades, so we've been conditioned just as they want us to be: to react as if the world is coming to an end because someone said something that makes females not look like strong, independent perfect, women who don't need no man (because men are evil, in so many words).

What's wrong with women being more submissive and less independent? If everyone were the same the world would be a better place. Man needs woman, woman needs man...hence why we're all here today. Men have their own flaws we're more than happy to own up to. And those flaws, like women's innate flaws, are so great because it allows men and women to serve even more of a purpose for each other and make each other complete.

Great comment. You get what I'm saying.

> What's wrong with women being more submissive and less independent?

The real problem with this, as the social engineers running this country see it, is that less independent women = higher birthrates. They are trying to reduce birthrates and break up the atomic family as part of their plan to make us into a highly atomized workforce, unable to form bonds with eachother. They're trying to engineer a society where there can be no retaliation against the corporate oligarchy that has overthrown the republic.

It included the phrase "Women only want to look good and receive complements" if that gives you enough context?

You've made a lot of assumptions and I suppose it's a waste of effort even responding to someone so vehemently convinced of my position despite having not heard anything from me.

People have been shunned for thousands of years. It works. It's a functional and pragmatic tool for societal management. I don't have to take time and explain to someone why women are worthy of respect and of being treated in more than just one dimension, I can just choose to ridicule and exclude people who think that. It's far more efficient, and far more effective in cluing those people in to the civilized world. These people need help from somebody, but I'm not here to help them, I'm here to read and to discuss.

If you saw someone acting antisocial at a bus stop, you'd feel bad. I would too. We'd both probably want for this person to receive help and attention, and to be given resources, like a therapist or psychiatrist. That being said, I'm just there to get on the bus, I'm not this person's keeper and it's in my best interest to not interact with this person to any extent beyond what's necessary, as they may be dangerous in some way.

I treat people with these toxic opinions the same way. I truly do feel empathy that someone feels that women are objects or that one dimensional creatures. It sucks, and it makes that person both difficult to deal with and it probably makes their own life quite difficult as well.

Still, they are reprehensible. They are shocking. They are horrific. It hurts, because it's supposed to. It keeps society greased up and functioning that these people hurt themselves, so that they might seek help for themselves, lest they stay the same and attract support to their cause.

Histrionic. That's rich, coming from a reply to a reply of a stranger on the internet.

> It included the phrase "Women only want to look good and receive complements" if that gives you enough context?

Are you a male or a female? I have heard multiple women (friends, girlfriends, acquaintances) literally admit this. There is also a multitude of evidence that exists showing that the “theory” is not shocking in the slightest.

These women I speak of don’t consider it a bad thing. Why should you, a (presumably) male consider it that way on their behalf? Or anti-scientifically argue against truths that are too shocking for you to handle?

Nope, it didn't. You're straight up lying.

You do know that your comment is still readable even after it's flagged, right? Anyone who wants to can literally read what you wrote.

To be accurate he said this: "I know many young men who are incredibly disgruntled, but many women I know don't care about the bigger picture at all. They are selfish. They don't care about history or the future. They just want to look good and get complements."

FWIW I'm not the person claiming that, the person I'm responding to is.


Calling people mentally ill because they have a different worldview than you do is not healthy.

Maybe you do but as I can't read your comment because it was flagged I can't judge you and can only assume that you are being unjustly condemned as that's the more frequent case on social media.

I basically said women thrive in different environments than men, and that our current society is better suited for women.

I'll admit that I could have phrased my argument more politely. I could have couched it in all sorts of diplomatic language to make sure no one was offended, but that would have obscured my veiws. And I'm tired of censoring myself for the benefit of hypersensitive people.

My comment wasn't spiteful. As far as I'm concerned, it relayed objective truths confirmed by my experience.

> objective truths confirmed by my experience.

I assume your personal experience with regard to women have been quite limited, if you have never met a women who cared about anything beyond "getting compliments".

if you really want the see the stuff getting flagged, go to you profile and select showdead=Yes.


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