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Detain me for dissent?

What is so shocking about my comment?

Look at the suicide rates. It's highest for middle aged white men.

What's going on? And why are you so hostile to dissenting opinions?

Edit: my account seems to have been locked and I can't reply to posts here. My original comment contained some harsh truths about gender, which runs contrary to the present groupthink.

I'm leaving hacker news for good. The last thing I'll say is that if you keep censoring dissenting opinions, you'll end up in a delusional echo chamber. This will take you further and further away from reality until you are completely unadapted to the world as it is and become completely impotent in your attempts to navigate it. Those who oppose you do you a huge service by doing so. If you crush your opposition, you'll also destroy yourself.

Unfortunately this is hacker news where even upvoted comments are flagged and removed if they go against the hive mind.

Turning more into reddit.

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