Is it wrong? I don't think anyone is up in arms over coffee and cigarettes, and my personal experience is that Adderall is just caffeine without so many side-effects.
Incidentally, coffee and cigarettes is how I managed before getting a prescription.
Amphetamines don't effect people with ADHD the same way as it effects people without ADHD.
By improving the executive function of an ADHD person, it helps them be less impulsive and can definitely help sort out any comorbid anxiety they experience.
What I'm saying is if this is your experience on Adderall and you don't have an ADHD diagnosis, you may be self medicating without realizing it.
In university I ran into a lot of people who did this stuff to get grades. Many straight up acted like tweakers. Super fast speech, tiny pupils, twitchy, sweaty, etc. I didn't realize it was so popular until like 30% of my classmates would be like this during exams.
Exactly, I can spot it immediately in the way they talk. You have to experienced it yourself before you be able to notice it with others. After I had a night full of amphetamines, the world opened up
Incidentally, coffee and cigarettes is how I managed before getting a prescription.