Hi HN,
Arek here. We’re super excited to officially launch PSPDFKit API [1].
PSPDFKit API is a collection of HTTP APIs that enable you to convert, generate, and edit documents without running any service on your infrastructure.
What differentiates our API from others is that you can chain together multiple “actions” as part of a single API request. For example, you can convert, OCR, watermark, edit, and flatten a document — all in one call.
Available actions [2]:
- PDF Generator
- PDF Converter
- Image Converter
- Watermark
- Merge
- Split
- Duplicate
- Delete
- Flatten
Our documentation includes sample code for JavaScript [3], Python [4], Java [5], C# [6], PHP [7], and the command line. We also have a Postman collection [8].
Let us know what you think or if you have any questions.
[1] https://pspdfkit.com/api/
[2] https://pspdfkit.com/api/documentation/tools-and-api/
[3] https://pspdfkit.com/api/tools/javascript/
[4] https://pspdfkit.com/api/tools/python/
[5] https://pspdfkit.com/api/tools/java/
[6] https://pspdfkit.com/api/tools/csharp/
[7] https://pspdfkit.com/api/tools/php/
[8] https://pspdfkit.com/api/documentation/getting-started/postm...
Quite expensive though. When I use an API, I usually assume (1) there will be some significant base volume, and (2) this volume has no upper bound, depending on my users behavior. For ~750 € you can only process 1k documents during the month... hard-capped? The price schemes seem to target entreprise but entreprises usually have bigger volumes than that. (But maybe I confuse API calls and document processing with your product?)
But it’s nice you released SDK in several common languages.
Good luck!