Progress bar would be nice, without these comments I would have no idea whether to wait or not thinking that maybe it got stuck in a loop downloading the same thing over and over again or something.
Haven't explored higher-up pages. Eventually, would be nice if there were a way to download everything to one directory and run offline. Is this only a demo for now?
when i built my webapp with tons of packages, i tried to figure out if we could hook into the browser, but theres really no way that i found, my solutioj was to just make webpack split the bundles into chunks then have them announce themselves and a loading screen would tally
> Runs shockingly smoothly once it starts, though.
On what hardware? I've got a 2019 MacBook Pro with i9 and 32 GB of RAM, and there's a noticable delay (I'd guess 200~400-ish miliseconds) when clicking any elements with Firefox or Chrome.
It runs smoothly for me when zoomed out but when you zoom in on a page it starts to lag. Nevertheless its quite amazing to see LibreOffice running in the browser.
Runs shockingly smoothly once it starts, though.