Progress bar would be nice, without these comments I would have no idea whether to wait or not thinking that maybe it got stuck in a loop downloading the same thing over and over again or something.
Haven't explored higher-up pages. Eventually, would be nice if there were a way to download everything to one directory and run offline. Is this only a demo for now?
when i built my webapp with tons of packages, i tried to figure out if we could hook into the browser, but theres really no way that i found, my solutioj was to just make webpack split the bundles into chunks then have them announce themselves and a loading screen would tally
> Runs shockingly smoothly once it starts, though.
On what hardware? I've got a 2019 MacBook Pro with i9 and 32 GB of RAM, and there's a noticable delay (I'd guess 200~400-ish miliseconds) when clicking any elements with Firefox or Chrome.
It runs smoothly for me when zoomed out but when you zoom in on a page it starts to lag. Nevertheless its quite amazing to see LibreOffice running in the browser.
Even with a fast connection, it takes a very long time. I'm guessing the site is overloaded as the peak was a few tens of Mb/s, and generally much slower.
Makes me wonder if it is possible/usefull to make the download a two step process, first download a small wasm bittorrent client, then use it to download (and share) the 300mb file.
Such lazy loading might be difficult to retrofit into an application designed for an environment where it can load a lot from disk to RAM quickly and has never (IME) been well design in terms of such resource use.
Some lazy loading could probably be done relatively easily where OO does on-demand load libraries, but that would significantly resource apparent in-use performance if truly done live so you'd want to background load the optional parts once the immediately needed ones are done.
I'm guessing that this is a straight compile to WASM with the minimal changes needed to things that would otherwise break completely in the different environment.
Here's the related video from FOSDEM: