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Fuck. Screens. In. Cars. I know my buttons and dials by heart, I reach and touch and control them without looking at them.

I used to be able to fire off SMS messages on my phone while driving, without looking at the screen, because I knew my contact list and keyboards had that little dimple for feeling where 5 is (like your numpad does, if you're not too hipster to go without).

Sure, sometimes I got it wrong and texted something weird or to the wrong person, but by far, it was successful. Maybe it's just me, but I've still not been successful in learning how to write on a touchscreen keyboard, sure, I can type a message or using that swipey kinda thing, but I still have to look where I'm touching, no tactility, it's terrible.

I'm 100% convinced this fad will pass and you will only see screen-only UIs in low-end cars. Premium cars will all have physical controls for the most important features.

You have more faith in humanity than I do, friend. But I hope you're right, while I find it difficult to convince myself that a touch screen is cheaper than physical buttons, it probably is a premium product in this brave new, software defined world.

This has been replaced by voice commands, dictation, and voice messages.

Which completely ignores the fact that mute people can also drive cars.

And also people who find it more difficult to formulate the explaination of what needs to be done, than to just do it.

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