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They have been doing some pretty unfriendly moves towards their long-term customers, like making sure the new 1Password cannot be used without 'the cloud' like the old one could be.

I have no doubt raising more VC money will only accelerate such trends.

In fact I've decided to move off of 1Password to BitWarden, since at least one can realistically self-host it. That being said, it's not exactly easy to migrate from the latest 1Password so I wrote my own little utility to do it[1].

I think we need more competition to VC backed products in general, just imagine what would happen if the building blocks of say a GNU/Linux system we take for granted today would've been built with the mindset that investors are going to want a return on their investment.

I am not saying there's anything wrong with that in principle, but am not sure I want to surrender my passwords to these kinds of incentives.

1 - https://github.com/MatejLach/1password-linux-to-bitwarden

This is exactly why I've switched from strongly recommending them, to strongly recommending against them. Plus their cloud security UX is horrendously confusing for everyone I've showed it to.

Whoever is driving their cloud push has probably made the most profitable business decision, but has absolutely no idea how to make a sane product.

Yeah I have been slowly trying to push away from 1pass as our corporate secrets overlord. 1pass is marketing towards business but screwing over their original community

Yeah I don’t know how to feel about this. I still have a license that allows me to use it with a local vault.

But I really want to get the family subscription. The Premium BitWarden plan is much cheaper than 1Password but the the Family plan doesn’t get you as much of a discount and my parents are on iPhones.

Edit: Dave Teare, the 1Password guy claims that when they were still offering standalone licences in 2018, people picked subscriptions over perpetual licences at more than a 30:1 ratio. Of course, they only showed the monthly price vs the perpetual price. But I’d hope people understand what subscription means.

Given how extremely hidden they've made the perpetual license option, I'm honestly surprised it's 30:1. That seems to be a sign of "people want this bad enough that they go hunting for it for quite a while".

No, they are picking subscriptions 30 times more than licenses.

When they first did this it wasn’t hidden at all. The website gave you 2 options side by side.

Are you sure? It looks like the license option was hidden almost immediately.


It was hidden in both the website and the app almost immediately, yeah. Announced in/near August, and your link shows it in September: https://www.windowscentral.com/1password-launches-subscripti...

I remember noticing the announcement of subscriptions (possibly a couple weeks after it happened), being concerned it'd spell the end for dropbox sync so I checked it out ASAP, and then discovering my fears were mostly justified - it still existed (and remained around for a couple years), but it was shoved waaaay off into a corner. E.g. in the next subscription-oriented version of the apps, unless you attached a synced file FIRST, the option for dropbox syncing or standalone licenses was never available. The official instructions for fixing this were to reinstall the app from scratch and attach to the file first, before signing in.

Notice that only a few months later, the standalone license mention at the bottom of the page isn't even there any more: https://web.archive.org/web/20170215115945/https://1password...

Super hostile behavior, right out the gate. It was clear they were going all-in on subscriptions.

That's how I intended it, yeah. I'm surprised it's even over 1% of people choosing the standalone license.

does anyone know definitively which is the last 1password version that doesn't require cloud? some folks are saying it's v6 but i have 7.8.7, and everything seems to be working fine, as far as i can tell. i still use local vaults and dropbox syncing to my ios devices without issue.

Definitively: v7 works with stand-alone / non agilebits-synced databases; v8 will not. (I think v8 is out for Windows but not yet Mac.)

I am a long-time 1Password user who recently made the leap to their hosted service. 1Password remains best-in-class for me and has a terrific security record, especially compared to their peers. While I too lament the everything-is-a-subscription-now trend, I remain a strong supporter and avid fan of 1Password.

The latest integrations offered, for browsers and for e.g. Fastmail masked email address generation [1], only work with the cloud offering. I am happy to report that these latest offerings are fantastic and have tremendous UX.

[1]: https://www.fastmail.com/1password/

I would bet their Privacy.com integration is also v8/cloud only: https://blog.1password.com/privacy-virtual-cards/

It's not v8 at least, I use it on 7 just fine (though I do use the cloud offering). I don't see why it would be tied to that though considering it's just an API integration that saves the card into your 1password for the site you're on and then fills in the credentials. That _should_ theoretically work with a local vault as well on v7.

That same logic holds for the fastmail vanity email aliases, too, in that it's just an API integration; does your v7+cloud have that integration, too?

It does! I was actually considering switching to BitWarden right when the Fastmail integration came out and that's what kept me with 1Password.

The last time they offered stand-alone licenses was 1Password 7 in 2018. Not that long ago. But they seem to have made it harder and harder to get at the local vault settings.

Version 8 will only be subscription based.

so ixnay to version 8 then. are you for sure that there's no version 7 point upgrade that's broken like that?

my original license was 1password 3 (teams edition or something like that?) i believe, which i'd been upgrading all along. too bad they'll lose all this recurring revenue, even if it's not strictly as uniform and regular as subscriptions.

No I’m not. But version 7.8.7 is not that old.

Previously it was one license per user per platform. I’ve bought 1Password at least 3 times and pointed them to the same vault. Can’t remember if they had paid upgrades.

If you are not inclined to host your own server, it really doesn’t seem clear to me to migrate away. Only the single and 2 user free licence and the single premium license for bitwarden is a clear winner. For families it’s not much cheaper.

I’m not even opposed to paying. I’ve bought 1P a few times. And I’d pay for another service. I think it’s the fact that they are forcing the choice that gives me a bag taste in my mouth. But this is irrational if my 2nd choice is to pay bitwarden a similar amount of money for a family subscription.

How do iPhones factor in to this decision?

On iOS 1Password is definitely the most polished password manager. If I’m paying the family price, I’m not going to get a less good UI.

Long-term 1Password customer here, no affiliation with 1Password or AgileBits.

> They have been doing some pretty unfriendly moves towards their long-term customers

From my point of view this was not hostile at all: I used 1Password with Dropbox sync for years and absolutely loved it as a personal password manager _for myself_. But sharing of passwords with family was a real pain. I gleefully signed up for cloud-hosted 1Password Families at launch and haven't had a bit of regret. Of all the subscription services I use, at $4/mo 1Password is easily the best bang for the buck.

For sharing, it's just sooo much easer than trying to use Dropbox: I can invite family members just by entering their email address and 1Password walks them through the setup. I can create new vaults with the click of a button and easily select who I want to share them with. I can revoke access to members just as easily I don't have to have a Dropbox account and I don't have to wonder about whether I've set the right permissions on my vault files or whether my free Dropbox quota has been reached. I don't have to share _my_ vault keys and passwords with someone else to give them access to a vault. I can still export and back up an encrypted vault whenever and however I want.

It's no accident that all of these features are the same ones that make their product so attractive to businesses as well: ease of access and sharing are both essential for adoption by businesses.

One more note: I still have my old standalone licenses and can still go back to 1Password 4/6 with Dropbox sync any time I want and not pay another dime, as 1Password still has links to download the older versions on their website: https://1password.com/downloads/mac/

Long-term 1Password customer here as well. I understand you are willing to sacrifice security for convenience. I wouldn't mind the recurrent payment, I just cannot imagine to put both the app (which now is online) and the data in the same company hands. I couldn't live like that.

Same, I don't mind the recurring payment all that much - their apps are excellent. I used the subscription for the apps with a synced file for a couple years.

But the cloud push is absurd, and it got too aggressive for me to stomach. It means I no longer have local backups (this screwed over a friend, whose data was deleted by 1P immediately after changing account stuff and could not be recovered). Browsers are also unambiguously not well-suited for this kind of secure-environment use, as exploit after exploit demonstrates. It makes their website a huge bullseye for hacking, rather than needing to somehow attack their entire user-base independently. It's a profit-oriented decision that makes the product's security, its primary feature, worse.

> They have been doing some pretty unfriendly moves towards their long-term customers, like making sure the new 1Password cannot be used without 'the cloud' like the old one could be.

Despite disliking being forced into a subscription system, I gave it a go. Turns out I'm not smart enough to understand their cloud user interface. Was just so confusing.

I switched to Bitwarden.

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