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so ixnay to version 8 then. are you for sure that there's no version 7 point upgrade that's broken like that?

my original license was 1password 3 (teams edition or something like that?) i believe, which i'd been upgrading all along. too bad they'll lose all this recurring revenue, even if it's not strictly as uniform and regular as subscriptions.

No I’m not. But version 7.8.7 is not that old.

Previously it was one license per user per platform. I’ve bought 1Password at least 3 times and pointed them to the same vault. Can’t remember if they had paid upgrades.

If you are not inclined to host your own server, it really doesn’t seem clear to me to migrate away. Only the single and 2 user free licence and the single premium license for bitwarden is a clear winner. For families it’s not much cheaper.

I’m not even opposed to paying. I’ve bought 1P a few times. And I’d pay for another service. I think it’s the fact that they are forcing the choice that gives me a bag taste in my mouth. But this is irrational if my 2nd choice is to pay bitwarden a similar amount of money for a family subscription.

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