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I think you did well. I understood what you are trying to do immediately, but there was a struggle communicating that to Paul. I think you can immediately get the idea across by saying that it is "Metacritic for consumer electronics". Assuming your audience knows what metacritic is, which may not always be the case :)

I always spend a lot of time researching products before buying, and I would use a site like yours if I could validate your rankings. Perhaps offer a straightforward recommendation, but provide the option of letting the user understand everything that went into that score.

Also, you said you are using conversion rate as a datapoint. Laptops are a big purchase and sometimes people don't purchase right away, or they research online and then go in store. For your next product, you could get some quick data like Paul was suggesting by reviewing a product that is easy for people to impulse buy. Perhaps something like home media players (WDTV, Boxee, Roku).

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