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I was on stage (testranking.com) I completely froze when PG started to fire questions at me. It is amazing how fast he got to the core points.

It was my first time on stage, it is really hard to prepare for this kind of experience.

I think you did well. I understood what you are trying to do immediately, but there was a struggle communicating that to Paul. I think you can immediately get the idea across by saying that it is "Metacritic for consumer electronics". Assuming your audience knows what metacritic is, which may not always be the case :)

I always spend a lot of time researching products before buying, and I would use a site like yours if I could validate your rankings. Perhaps offer a straightforward recommendation, but provide the option of letting the user understand everything that went into that score.

Also, you said you are using conversion rate as a datapoint. Laptops are a big purchase and sometimes people don't purchase right away, or they research online and then go in store. For your next product, you could get some quick data like Paul was suggesting by reviewing a product that is easy for people to impulse buy. Perhaps something like home media players (WDTV, Boxee, Roku).

I can imagine how nervous you must have been in front of PG and especially in front of an audience.

I applaud you for even getting up there to take criticism so publicly.

I looked at your site after it finally started working again during your segment. Why is the Macbook Pro ranked #1 for gaming laptops? It has superior build quality, but gaming performance leaves plenty to be desired compared to many of the laptops below it. It also costs much more, which doesn't seem to be factored in to the price.

The ASUS G73SW-A1 listing says this in the Display summary:

"Looking at the screen both indoors and outdoors is a generally enjoyable experience"

Then this in the Display details:

"The reflections on this screen cause its usability to be close to minimal. Users will only be able to comfortably view the display in either dark environment or with the least possible amount of lighting. Outdoor use will prove to be absurd; patience and continuous focus will be required for any actual and efficient use of this laptop under medium lighting conditions."

These seem contradictory, and there were little inconsistencies everywhere I looked.

It is a fun idea/project though!

Thank you for your feedback, it is very appreciated.

The current problem with our website is: We didn't put the newest data up. We have other plans with it and kind of starved the consumer version of new laptops. Nevertheless your points are very valid, the categorizing of products needs improvement, very much. We have many better gaming laptops in our complete database, I hope we will manage to make them available to everyone in the next few weeks.

About the wording, we are no native speakers, so our English is definitely a week point.

To be fair, the category topped by the MacBook Pro is not "gaming" but "performance and gaming".

The MBP is known to be a good match for many "performance"-tasks such as video editing and graphical work.

I think you did rather well for your first time on stage! Don't be too hard on yourself. You did seem a little flustered, but on average, you answered pg's questions well.

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