Most infographics delight in providing info and some insight in a visually appealing way. This provides very little info and even less insight. Very disappointing, esp. from Column Five, which usually does superior work.
The infographic trend is rapidly approaching infotoon status, and that's not good. Just because you _can_ make an infographic on a hot trend doesn't always mean you _should_.
I can't comment on this one specifically. Other infographics I have seen, representing areas I am an expert in, I have found to have misleading representations of data and in some cases blatantly false numbers.
This is a good example of deception through appearance. By making something look official or professional you can get really sloppy with the facts and no one questions it.
The infographic trend is rapidly approaching infotoon status, and that's not good. Just because you _can_ make an infographic on a hot trend doesn't always mean you _should_.