The study shows natural immunity with a single dose is the most effective. I have little faith in a vaccine that can't be trusted to mitigate a controlled infection. What would be the point of the vaccine if it only "might" help prevent infection? Otherwise, if it is only effective %5 of the time but has nasty side effects 1% of the time, then you're taking a much bigger risk don't you think?
Wow, you really do want to condition people to ignore or disregard anything someone says as long as you say antivax. It is like the word Nazi. Doesn't matter what actually happens, you'd want to be able to call someone a Nazi and have someone mindlessly punch them in the face.
A vaccine preventing the seriousness of infection is a precondition. If I get a vaccine and it does nothing it is pointless. While most vaccinated act like political drones, if you told them than the vaccine actually does nothing to prevent the spread and vaccinated people are still frequently dying from COVID then I'm sure a lot of them would not be getting it.