> Do keep in mind that these raw counts are meaningless, and arguably scare-mongering. Some number of people will have a heart attack regardless of whether they had the vaccine... If all these numbers were zero, we should all get the vaccine simply to live in perfect health forever!
The question is really fundamentally simple for a massive vaccination campaign
Expected injury rates as a % of the population
Actual / Reported injury rates as a % of the population
Even while accounting for the low likelihood of even receiving reports of things.
We already know that some of the injury reports coming in have been independently verified by other nation's health departments. After all, there is a reason for some of the vaccine pauses among the young and healthy in the nordic countries.
>We already know that some of the injury reports coming in have been independently verified by other nation's health departments. After all, there is a reason for some of the vaccine pauses among the young and healthy in the nordic countries.
Other countries with their own health systems have independently confirmed these issues.
A friend of mine that happens to be a medical professional in a European country told me of the clotting related issues starting to show up in their own numbers far in advance of it being likewise confirmed in VAERS too.
That is why we know about these issues.
Country A and Country B have problems that show up, they ask which vaccine, which vector, etc, and they draw conclusions.
I think this is a likely concern in some countries. The vaccines are challenging to transport and properly keep stable and manufacturing of them happens in many places and was put in place and scaled up very quickly, quality control could be an issue, same as proper transportation and storage.
The question is really fundamentally simple for a massive vaccination campaign
Expected injury rates as a % of the population
Actual / Reported injury rates as a % of the population
Even while accounting for the low likelihood of even receiving reports of things.
We already know that some of the injury reports coming in have been independently verified by other nation's health departments. After all, there is a reason for some of the vaccine pauses among the young and healthy in the nordic countries.