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I didn't downvote you, but I completely disagree. Criticism is telling someone there's something wrong with their project. Constructive criticism is telling someone what specific things should be changed, and in a helpful manner.

"Your home page sucks"

Criticism, not useful.

"You should have a better call to action on your home page. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do here."

Constructive criticism, very useful. It tells someone what's wrong so that it can be fixed. If they're very nice, they'll add a suggestion too.

It's foolish to ignore someone's advice just because they're criticizing your project. Often times, if they're criticizing civilly, it's because they want the project to succeed. If you brush them off as "haters", you're just doing yourself a disservice. Honestly examine all criticism you receive. Yes, plenty of it will be useless criticism from people who want to bring you down, but if you don't pay attention to the ones that care, you're throwing away valuable advice and only hurting yourself.

The more critics the better! Let my fans vote with their wallets!

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