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> only take this medication by prescription from a medical doctor.

And, if they prescribe it for treating COVID, look for a better doctor.

Pretty sure if your case of Covid is severe enough to warrant treatment, you will not be calling around looking for a second opinion just because your doc prescribed an Rx that might be “internet controversial”.

Frankly I trust my doctor more than I trust FB, YouTube, and the government.

Well… if we start from the premise I am desperate enough to throw reason out the window, then yeah, why not take horse dewormer, malaria drugs, fish tank cleaner, crystals and prayer?

Honestly…people who toss out the whole “horse dewormer” talking point should also refuse to take penicillin if your doctor prescribed it because they also give that drug to horses too.

It’s not just a “horse dewormer” folks, it’s a “people dewormer” that has also been used in anti-viral treatments as well. Argue that’s it’s not effective, but stop pretending that this isn’t a drug that is prescribed to people all over the world.

I would also add, before you argue that it's ineffective, please consider it in the context of its place in the "triple therapy". We use drug combinations to treat things like cancer and peptic ulcers because of synergies. My understanding is that the ivermectin and doxycycline help zinc to get into our cells and the zinc is what does the work to inhibit virus replication.

I think you are going to have a hard time convincing someone who only refers to ivermectin as a “horse dewormer” to think of it beyond whatever their summary talking points tell them. That is why the talking point is to try and mislead folks as it being only a veterinary Rx, they don’t have to go into details…just dump the misinfo out there.

BTW, I’m not arguing for or against it for Covid. I am just saying that if my doctor decided to prescribe it for me, I’m going to trust their judgement, because I trust them.

There's probably a proper term for this but it seems to me there's a lot of absolute-izing language being thrown around, on issues that aren't absolute. Eg, anyone not 100% onboard with immediately taking whatever vaccine is on offer is an anti-vaxxer. Anyone interested in searching out possible off-label uses of ivermectin might as well just cease and desist because we all know ivermectin is just for killing worms in horses.

It's designed to shut down any reasoned discourse or critical thinking and I'm surprised it's still working.

Yep, “dichotomous thinking”.

Trust the doctors! Unless a doctor disagrees with me, then forget that doctor and trust me instead.

Trust the doctor, unless the doctor exhibits irrational behaviour and shows signs of being unable to interpret scientific literature.

Someone said the exact same thing to me when HCQ was pushed with bad quality studies by certain doctors to Fox News hosts who then pushed it to Trump. Higher quality studies later found it wasn't useful. So there.

You seem to be confused. The studies which "later found it wasn't useful" were fabricated, as was discovered mere days after they hit the news. They weren't even plausible.

The initial studies were bad quality, they just removed the people who got admitted to ICUs from the treatment group. They were run by a doctor known to be a charlatan. They were pushed to Trump as a magic way to calm the people and market down.

I don't get why people like you think the world is so US centric. The world doesn't give a flying fuck about giving Trump a very slight lower chance of getting re-elected, much less kill their people and their economy for it. I don't see how studies across the world were fabricated, there's no reason for, say, India to kill millions of their citizens and destroy their economy by faking studies about HCQ when they don't hate Trump and may have even liked him.

You're the one that's confused, here's an analysis on HCQ from someone that has worked on drug discovery for decades.


You're a not a drug researcher.

And I don't think Trump pushed Ivermectin? If it works so well as you think, one would think the Democrats would be all over it so they can say Biden cured Covid and restored the economy.

It's more like, trust institutional medicine, and if your doctor doesn't, then find a new doctor.

I'm not sure if this qualifies as "institutional" medicine, but here's the professor who invented the triple therapy protocol for peptic ulcers:



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