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I think you are going to have a hard time convincing someone who only refers to ivermectin as a “horse dewormer” to think of it beyond whatever their summary talking points tell them. That is why the talking point is to try and mislead folks as it being only a veterinary Rx, they don’t have to go into details…just dump the misinfo out there.

BTW, I’m not arguing for or against it for Covid. I am just saying that if my doctor decided to prescribe it for me, I’m going to trust their judgement, because I trust them.

There's probably a proper term for this but it seems to me there's a lot of absolute-izing language being thrown around, on issues that aren't absolute. Eg, anyone not 100% onboard with immediately taking whatever vaccine is on offer is an anti-vaxxer. Anyone interested in searching out possible off-label uses of ivermectin might as well just cease and desist because we all know ivermectin is just for killing worms in horses.

It's designed to shut down any reasoned discourse or critical thinking and I'm surprised it's still working.

Yep, “dichotomous thinking”.

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