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> Right now in parts of the US we have hospitals and ICUs that are at higher occupancy than they have been at any time during the pandemic, despite the fact that saimple, safe, cheap and relatively unobtrusive measures that can prevent this have been widely available for months.

I presume you're referring to the fact that we had plenty of time to push back against climate change, but year over year have refused to make progress. Perhaps you're also upset about the lack of true leadership towards that goal?

Much the same leadership / system has been incompotent and negligent over the last 18 months.Agreed, you're correct, if we had able and willing leaders more people might assimilate, else yes there's plenty of reason for doubt and lack of compliance.

It's easy and normalized to blame the powerless. But we proles would be wise to resist that convenience and being to hold the powerful accountable. The current status quo isn't working.

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