I also mark any mail where unsubscribe is more difficult than a couple of clicks as spam, though I don't have the instant hate for "webinar" mails that you do (I've never even noticed that as a thing, so I have no opinion one way or another).
This reply is pretty much a public +1 (I also upvoted the post). If points were visible I wouldn't have bothered with the reply and would have just gone with the upvote, but I'm trying to make sure any email marketing folks out there who may be reading this realize you aren't the only one who does this and they are ultimately hurting themselves by making it more difficult to unsubscribe than it needs to be.
This reply is pretty much a public +1 (I also upvoted the post). If points were visible I wouldn't have bothered with the reply and would have just gone with the upvote, but I'm trying to make sure any email marketing folks out there who may be reading this realize you aren't the only one who does this and they are ultimately hurting themselves by making it more difficult to unsubscribe than it needs to be.