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No, you can't. If you don't cook you will not understand the differences of the various types of knifes, forks, spoons...

Not a fan of cooking != doesn't cook

I'm not really a fan of cooking either but I still do it most days. It is possible to know something about a thing, have experience of a thing, have some useful insight into tools that are useful for it, all without enjoying said thing.

Yes, this is a phenomena the internet amplified: unknowledgeable people confident that the little they know is already above-intermediary level.

You have to be kidding? Literally nobody here is claiming that their knowledge is above-intermediary level. How is it that you're misinterpreting what people are actually saying so badly?

Are you doing so deliberately?

Do you not perceive the acute irony of what you've just said in the face of the fact that you have shown such a basic misunderstanding of the comments to which you've responded, whether deliberately or otherwise?

If you think my understanding of what he said is the same as he claiming that he knows what is better for cooking without liking it I have nothing to say to you.

Sure, and I might not understand which app would be best here but I can tell an app can be helpful just like I can tell that a spray bottle can be useful in cooking even if I can't tell which would be the very best one or which cooking styles it will benefit the most.

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