Sorry about that truebosko. We're working on extending our coverage to Canada & Australia over the next months. We focused initially on getting as comprehensive as possible in the UK and US (focusing on doing a good job in a specific niche) before adding other countries. Live music has a really long tail and we want to build a product that really hard core live music fans like ourselves will trust. Canada is coming soon though. We've got a big integration with Songbird launching next week and their community is asking for that pretty loudly as well!
Great site. I'm sold once you get going down here (Australia). Signed up with Edinburgh to practice ;) Now I wish I lived there.
BTW, I'd love to see the long tail get taken care of properly. That's what I'm really interested in. I'd probably use a 'what's on tomorrow' page for small shows 100X more then a 'what's on this month' page for $100 + shows.
I've been complaining there is no decent way to find something to do online (especially if you're visiting a city) for a while.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think some of the best options down here a government run.