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> Julia's optimal sorts of workflows are different than many expect — especially for folks coming from static languages. Julia is a dynamic language. But also, Julia isn't Python. There are ways in which your workflows from other languages just aren't optimal in Julia. So when someone comes in "hot" and rants about how their workflow isn't working out how they expect, others jump in and — yes, defensively at times — point out alternatives that work for them.

And that's exactly what I've seen over and over again, in different communities, such as the ones I've mentioned, this attitude of "you're holding it wrong".

No language or tool can be everything to everybody, that's perfectly reasonable. If the goal of Julia is different from that of people that want to run applications in production—or at least those concerns aren't the most important ones—fair enough. But all too often (and I'm not necessarily talking about Julia here; I haven't spent enough time on the Julia forums, I'm mostly referring to some of the other examples I've cited) real concerns are just dismissed out of hand.

I also don't believe that enforcing certain very specific workflows at the exclusion of any others is necessarily a great way to become a language that lots of people want to use. People come from different backgrounds and have different preferences and needs (sometimes for very good reasons), successful languages like Python recognise this and let you work with a wide range of tools.

Finally, I'm just very skeptical about a certain kind of NIH syndrome that I've seen in some of these communities, something like "encapsulation? well, all these other languages might need it, but we actually don't, because XYZ" or similar things.

>And that's exactly what I've seen over and over again, in different communities, such as the ones I've mentioned, this attitude of "you're holding it wrong".

You're really reading this wrong. The issue is moreso about personal knowledge. I see this on the Discourse sometimes where someone comes blazing in saying "I want to use PyCharm for Julia and I run into ...", "Special Lisp-only IDE has a Julia plugin and it fails because ...", or "I have this special terminal setup and I no 0 latency and ...". The answer of course is, if you need help, use VS Code or Juno/Atom. Those have a larger userbase which that has fixed exactly those issues and has a helpful dev community on those site which will get you up and running. That's not "you're holding it wrong", that's people trying to help you into an area where they know how to help you. You can shrug it all off and blame it on them, but at the end of the day, people are sharing what they know works, a reliable solution they built for exactly this problem, and then are getting flamed on the internet for having "NIH syndrome" for not fixing some random IDE plugin they've never used. I just don't see how you can expect every person to be an expert on every possible workflow you can imagine and start throwing flame when someone tries to lead you to water.

In the Julia community in particular you tend to have people who are more experts in their scientific domains. I am in that category: I can help you in anything ML, high performance computing, differential equations, etc. but I use Windows and the Juno IDE. If you open an issue about something weird happening on emacs, I wouldn't even know how to get it installed, sorry, that's not my expertise. The Julia community has a lot more people in probabilistic programming than it has Javascript devs, and so people share how they know how to fix your problem "can you run it in VS Code and show the profile?", not "here's how to run some daemon server thing" etc. And that's perfectly fine, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

I mean, you're totally free to blaze your own development workflow trail. Even better if you can help in the ongoing clearing and paving of the less-used trails. But when someone complains that a less-used trail is rocky, it's gonna be hard for everyone on the golden brick road to avoid suggesting taking their route... especially if it's leading to the same destination.

And yes, that destination does include production.

Yes you are, but then you have to wait a minute or so after any single change to any file if you do a script workflow. If you do a Revise workflow you end up doing mostly the same because it just breaks all the time and you have to reload the session. Or you can use some bizarre hack like DaemonMode.jl that also just breaks all the time.

Julia is hard to debug as is (and this is fully acceptable to me due to the architecture) and these hacks on hacks make it just impossible.

Julia suffers from the same "fancy calculator" approach than e.g. R and Matlab, and like those, they refuse to take note of the decades of experience in software development that this just leads to a total mess if you have anything more complicated than a one-off analysis. It's like insisting on editing files with ed because that's how it's always been done.

And this is precisely why this dynamic exists — because there are workflows with far less friction than what you've experienced. I and others successfully use them every day for things far more complicated than one-off analyses.

I think your view of Julia as a "fancy calculator" may be part and parcel to the difficulty. I do use it as a fancy calculator, but I also use local packages all the time — and that's where you'll find the best success in both tooling and code structure for sustainable (and modern) development. We need to do a better job of helping folks more effectively develop and work with Julia before it becomes frustrating.

Friction in general, or friction specific to Julia?

My view is that Julia (and R and Matlab etc) ecosystem's view is a "fancy calculator". It's hard to integrate to anything else, it almost actively tries to make e.g. unix-type workflow difficult (not much CLI, everything done in REPL, e.g. package management). Not as bad as e.g. R where its almost impossible to just run a file of code instead of doing a "workflow session".

Perhaps there is some disconnect in how different parties of the discussion see the whole thing. For me this sounds a lot like "you're holding it wrong". What background are you coming from and what languages/programming environments you are familiar with? I get the impression that you don't have much general purpose programming background and somehow tend to assume that people are using "wrong workflows" due to being just stupid or something. But this is how it comes off to me, I think you mean something else, but I don't know what that is.

My approach is: I want files with code and I want to run some of those with some kind of entry point. And preferably organize it to files or something like that. This is the usual setup for general purpose programming languages. In general purpose programming you rarely tend to stick solely to one language, any larger project is usually a mishmash of different stuff, e.g. glue code in python, tight loops in C, maybe some bash thrown around to do some more trivial chores.

This is the overall structure of practically all general purpose programming languages. This requires interfacing with these languages (often done in bash or something in unixy systems at least) and tools that work regardless of language (e.g. version control, grepping, Make etc). Julia (and R and Matlab etc) just plain refuse to even consider this as a valid approach. If you mention it somewhere, you tend to get some bizarre instant putdowns that provide no real rationale, i.e. "you're just holding it wrong".

In programming I tend to think the whole computer and its OS and so on as the programming tool. My impression is that for Julia folks Julia is something totally separate from anything else in the computer. But I don't understand why. Is it that its felt that changing syntax on the fly is too cognitively demanding or something? This is something that one gets used to very fast. And also tends to ease the IMHO weird hung-ups on syntax. In fact, I think Julia has made some (IMHO misguided) syntactic decisions because they just want to do something differently from Python just for the sake of being different. I find this totally senseless.

Us CLI folks are not even asking for much. Just a way to call a program with arguments and so that you don't have to do compile identical code every time you do something. That's it. Is that unreasonable? It wouldn't take anything away from people using REPLs and Notebooks. We don't want to change the language, the language is fine and that's why we'd like to use it but just cant because these paper cuts!

I've expanded on my rationale for my workflow and how Julia makes it really difficult e.g. here, where I admittedly started with too strong wordings out of frustration: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26134970

>Perhaps there is some disconnect in how different parties of the discussion see the whole thing. For me this sounds a lot like "you're holding it wrong". What background are you coming from and what languages/programming environments you are familiar with? I get the impression that you don't have much general purpose programming background and somehow tend to assume that people are using "wrong workflows" due to being just stupid or something. But this is how it comes off to me, I think you mean something else, but I don't know what that is.

No, you're not stupid. You've correctly identified current flaws in the tools, and the community tries to lead you to the tools that are known to work well in spite of the issues. We need to work a little bit more on the other tools to make them as good, but large parts of the community are just not the right people to work on that problem. It's not a design problem, it's fixable, but you just have more people who know how to make new differential equation solvers than you have people who can compile a binary, so the tooling ecosystem moves at a different pace from the scientific packages. This is changing with the help of some commercialization aspects though, but it is something we have to be cognizant of.

IMO, if Julia lacks the necessary tooling, don't over-advertise it. When I say the lack of static compilation is a design problem, I mean such a critical feature should be in v1.0. Without it, many common tasks in other languages become difficult in Julia. For language adoption, you often only have one chance. If you push someone away, it is much harder to win them back.

IMO, you are overestimating how big a deal static compilation is. Yes, there are usecases where it's important, but acting like a language shouldn't tag version 1.0 without static compilation just sounds ignorant and self centred.

The world is bigger than you.

This kind of comment just enforces the defensive perception towards the community. He clearly stated that it was just his opinion. Why not just point out that "common tasks" always refers to each own's bubble?

There is no need to insult people around.

He says it's his opinion, but then states that the language shouldn't have tagged version 1.0 without it, and that people should not advertise julia because it's such a important feature.

I totally get that there are workflows that Julia is inappropriate for, but when someone says that a tool shouldn't be released because it doesn't target their workflow, I really don't know what to call that other than blindingly self centred.

Why is static compilation such a major feature for large-scale differential equation solving? That's what I advertise Julia as good for. Probabilistic programming as well. Etc.

Static compilation is not needed for numeric computing which Julia is great at. However, Julia is advertised as a general purpose language, which IMO is obvious in your "What is Julia?" section. You pose Julia as a mighty language for everything and your supporters think this way, too. I have had conversations with multiple Julia supporters who thought Julia ought to replace python and even C. When people like jampekka pointed out Julia lacks necessary features to make this happen, these supporters got defensive and made absurd claims beyond their domain of knowledge.

Ah yes, Python, the famously statically compiled general-purpose programming language :p

More seriously though, just because some language may be considered "general purpose" doesn't mean it's the best language for everything, or should replace other languages outside of whichever particular applications where it excels.

>You pose Julia as a mighty language for everything

No I don't. It needs some work in some places.

> Us CLI folks are not even asking for much. Just a way to call a program with arguments and so that you don't have to do compile identical code every time you do something. That's it. Is that unreasonable?

Look, everyone wants static compilation, and it's almost certainly going to happen eventually. It's not unreasonable at all to want that. The only thing that would be unreasonable is to (apparently repeatedly!) imply or assert that this lack of static compilation (and/or better caching) is due to some bizarre perversion on the part of the community.

If you want it to happen faster, then stop complaining about it on HN, get familiar with the current attempts at true static compilation in e.g. https://github.com/tshort/StaticCompiler.jl/pull/46 and start contributing yourself.

I don't especially want a static compiler. I'm fairly happy with Python workflow even though it's totally dynamic and interpreted, but it's dog slow on numerical stuff and the design is showing its age.

I like the "AOT-JIT" approach of Julia, and I think a separate compilation step is quite a stupid idea in the first place. I see it as some historical relic from computers with extremely limited memory (by current standards) and outdated business models that want obfuscated binaries.

My main gripe is just that I have to do it every time I run anything if I'm not using a REPL/Notebook, which drive me insane with their inconsistent and opaque global state. This could be solved mostly by caching the compilation results and compiling new stuff incrementally. But I'm starting to lose any hope that this is gonna actually happen.

Some lesser stuff follows from lack of this, but they should be relatively easily fixed.

Couldn't agree more. What you said is a design flaw that the Julia community keeps denying. The Julia community also behaves defensively when it comes to performance. They refuse to accept that Julia doesn't compete with C/Rust on many non-numeric tasks in the real world. In addition, the Julia community has its own circle, its own style to write code. They will trash your code even if it is efficient and logically correct. I once compared implementations in different languages and found Julia is slower than others. Several of them jumped at me, criticized my coding style and blamed me for their fault. But in the end they couldn't improve the performance. At the Julia discourse, I was alone in the argument. That was a really bad experience.

Can you please post a pointer to the thread in question?

Sorry, I would like to keep my online anonymity.

If you won't post a link publicly, could you at least contact the julia community stewards [1]? If there are community dynamics that are pushing people away, the stewards need to be told.

For what it's worth, I've seen some nasty (though well meaning) pile-ons in the julia discourse, but for the most part it's a pretty nice place. I find though that the Zulip [2] and Slack communities are generally more friendly and relaxes places though.

[1] https://julialang.org/community/stewards/

[2] https://julialang.zulipchat.com/

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