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Static compilation is not needed for numeric computing which Julia is great at. However, Julia is advertised as a general purpose language, which IMO is obvious in your "What is Julia?" section. You pose Julia as a mighty language for everything and your supporters think this way, too. I have had conversations with multiple Julia supporters who thought Julia ought to replace python and even C. When people like jampekka pointed out Julia lacks necessary features to make this happen, these supporters got defensive and made absurd claims beyond their domain of knowledge.

Ah yes, Python, the famously statically compiled general-purpose programming language :p

More seriously though, just because some language may be considered "general purpose" doesn't mean it's the best language for everything, or should replace other languages outside of whichever particular applications where it excels.

>You pose Julia as a mighty language for everything

No I don't. It needs some work in some places.

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