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Common Lisp was designed to be interactive and have a REPL. You can redefine functions, classes, etc. on the fly with strictly-defined semantics. (You don’t have to guess what happens if you, say, re-name a field of your class.) This is insanely useful during development, where you absolutely want to avoid doing full recompiles every time you make a little change you want to test. Some people call this “interactive and incremental development”. (Of course, you always have the option to just re-compile everything from scratch if you so please.)

Common Lisp was also designed to be compiled. Most implementations these days compile to machine code. Compilation is incremental, but ahead-of-time. That means you can start running your program without having yet compiled all the features or libraries you want. You can—while you’re in the REPL or even while your program is running—compile and load extra libraries later. Compilation is cached across sessions, so you won’t ever have to recompile something that doesn’t change.

Despite Lisp being mega-interactive, incremental, and dynamic, just about every implementation of Lisp allows you to just write out a compiled binary. In the implementation called “Steel Bank Common Lisp” (SBCL), from the REPL, you just write:

    (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "mycoolprog" :executable t :entry-point 'main)
which will produce a statically linked executable binary called “mycoolprog” using the function called “main” as the entry point.

Unless you’ve specifically programmed it in, there will be no JIT lag, no runtime compilation, etc. It will all just be compiled machine code running at the speed of your processor. (It’s possible and even easy to invoke the compiler at run-time, even in your static binary, which people rarely do, and when they do, they know exactly what they’re doing and why.)

All of this is a complete non-issue in Lisp, and hasn’t been for about 35 years (or more).

I am hopeful that Julia should be able to get this cross-session caching of compiled code. Would make restarting the REPL (to e.g. add a field to a struct) much less frustrating.

Caching is easy. The hard part here is correctly invalidating the cache. Specifically, if a user is using different libraries between sessions, figuring out which methods have been overridden (or inline code that was overridden) becomes complicated.

Yeah, restarting a Lisp REPL after you’ve compiled your code is transparently essentially instantaneous, because everything is cached and checked for changes, and 99% of the time most of your code and nearly all of your dependencies aren’t changing hour to hour.

The way that common lisp does this though is pretty much creating a core dump that you can execute, which isn't what most people are expecting from an executable. It's not a _bad_ way, it's just pretty unique to common lisp.

What exactly are people “expecting” from an executable? It is a piece of binary code on disk, full of machine code, that runs without a VM or external runtime libraries.

just works. From a user perspective, there’s no difference.

The binary itself isn’t structured like a typical one with C debugging symbols, etc. But it’s also not some “faux binary” like a bunch of .pyc bundled as data and unzipped when the program runs. It truly is machine code, just arranged differently than a bunch of C ABI functions.

I claim most people running binaries don’t care about the memory layout of the binary. I certainly am never thinking about that every time I run `grep`. You don’t debug Lisp programs with C’s tooling. You use Lisp’s tooling.

(Unless, of course, you use an implementation like Embeddable Common Lisp, which does compile your Lisp program as a C program, and does produce a non-image-based executable. That’s the beauty of Lisp being a standardized language with multiple conforming implementations.)

Common Lisp actually doesn't specify a mechanism for this. There are implementations that can compile to e.g. DLL:

http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw71/DV/html/delivery... https://franz.com/support/documentation/current/doc/dll.htm

Unfortunately none of the FOSS implementations have this ability (to my knowledge). There is nothing inherently in Common Lisp that mandates the "core dump" delivery model.

One correction to my post above - Corman Lisp is a Free implementation that does have the ability to produce DLLs, but it is limited to Windows:


how about ECL? That should do that, too.

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