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What exactly are people “expecting” from an executable? It is a piece of binary code on disk, full of machine code, that runs without a VM or external runtime libraries.

just works. From a user perspective, there’s no difference.

The binary itself isn’t structured like a typical one with C debugging symbols, etc. But it’s also not some “faux binary” like a bunch of .pyc bundled as data and unzipped when the program runs. It truly is machine code, just arranged differently than a bunch of C ABI functions.

I claim most people running binaries don’t care about the memory layout of the binary. I certainly am never thinking about that every time I run `grep`. You don’t debug Lisp programs with C’s tooling. You use Lisp’s tooling.

(Unless, of course, you use an implementation like Embeddable Common Lisp, which does compile your Lisp program as a C program, and does produce a non-image-based executable. That’s the beauty of Lisp being a standardized language with multiple conforming implementations.)

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