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Thanks for the idea. This is a bit shorter:

    SELECT '"foo"'::jsonb #>>'{}';
But yeah:

    SELECT jsonb_col['prop1']#>>'{}' FROM ...;
looks a bit meh. And custom right unary operators are on the way out, so one can't even create one for this use case.

Anyway, for fun:

    create function deref_jsonb(jsonb) returns text as $$ begin return $1#>>'{}'; end $$ language plpgsql;

    CREATE OPERATOR # ( leftarg = jsonb, function = deref_jsonb );

    select '"sdfasdf"'::jsonb #;

    select jsonb_col['a']# FROM somewhere;

You could also take advantage of PG's function/field equivalence:

           -- equivalent to deref_jsonb('"sdfasdf"'::jsonb)
    select ('"sdfasdf"'::jsonb).deref_jsonb;
(I'd suggest naming the function "inner_text", for familiarity to JS devs :P)

Oh my. :) There's always some quirky little thing to learn about PostgreSQL, lol.

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