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I was using C++ 25 years ago! Worked fine.

C++ 25 years ago (1996) was terrible. I used to have to keep a large C++ application going on GCC, Sun's compiler and Microsoft's compiler and it was a nightmare. Using templates with classes would invariably cause one or other of the compilers to crash, so we had to concentrate on the simplest subset of the language that worked. STL was very new and not supported on all platforms so we ended up reimplementing a lot of that in our own classes. Build times were glacial and the resulting binaries were enormous. Multiple string types. And horrific things like CORBA's C++ bindings ...

Haha I used to be very protective of APIs for shared libraries as much for having to recompile as I was about just having stable APIs :D

Sure, but the language was smaller back then (not small, mind you, but smaller). Boost was only created in 1999 after all!

Also, people have been complaining about C++ compile time for as long as I can remember, so I don't think it necessarily invalidates my point.

C++ was incomprehensibly complex back then too. Comeau was the only vendor that even pretended to offer a conforming compiler.

I have used C++ in 2001 with ROOT and it was a long wait most of the time. Depending on your codebase and libraries involved making compiling and linking fast was an art form

25 years ago it wasn't C++11, but C with classes. Less TMP noise, small compilation units instead of the source code of entire libraries being #include'd.

I guess you never used ATL, OWL, VCL, CSet++.

lol or MFC, I checked that out and subsequently pulled the power plug on my pc. Granted I'm probably not a very good programmer. heck my comment is probably not even on topic in this thread.

Not sure what is so fun about it, given that after 4 years in development C++/WinRT still doesn't have Visual Studio support that can match MFC.

No. I was born in the 90s. in the 2000s I was mostly doing .Net and Java, started doing C++ seriously in 2010s until I discovered Rust. Have I got the C++ history wrong?

Templates have been in C++ for a very long time, like 30 years iirc. I am not a big C++ gal but I'm pretty sure TMP long predates C++11.

TMP is older than C++11 yes, but the trend to use it so extremely is new I think. Or maybe I got that wrong, idk.

I was using both templates and the stl heavily in 2002. I started learning c++ in 94 or 95 can't remember. Turbo c++ did not have templates, before the 98 standard it mostly was c with classes. And lots of unnecessary inheritance and overloading.

Edit, should include that the experience in 2002 was on a corporate project which ultimately had many millions of lines of code, so not just some crazy guy in a basement. Lots of crazy people were in the basement with me.

Turbo C++ for Windows 3.1 already had template support, this was in 1993.

On MS-DOS Borland C++ 2.0 was the first compiler to support them.

Naturally this was work in progress, try to keep up with the latest stand from WG 21.

Alright, thanks for that anecdote. I was wrong about that then.

Here for you,


In 2000 it was version 3.0 alongside Visual C++ 6.0.

Leave the hard stuff to us C++ old-timers!

> Stick to Rust and leave the hard stuff to us C++ old-timers!

Excuse me?

This is completely, 100% wrong.

25 years ago on was on the Adobe Photoshop team, happily programming in C++. We had templates, smart pointers, and the STL.

And the people at Taligent were all about C++, around the same timeframe.

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