Background: I'm a struggling junior/intermediate frontend dev who would have quit this industry long ago if I had any other way of making money.
Ever since I joined this industry I have been surprised and disappointed how little structured training I have received. I am wondering how normal this is?
With the exception of one team that did a lot of pairing and was great, my experience of joining a new team has generally been "look around the codebase and see if you have any questions", with perhaps a couple of days of pairing, or being assigned a buddy who loses interest after a week or two. Mentioning that I'm struggling generally results in someone recommending Udemy courses, or asking "how much time do you need to get up to speed?"
I guess I expected something like a technical lead who would initially spend a lot of time talking me through everything, then maybe start giving me small tasks and working through them with me. I've literally never seen this. Even the "pairing" team basically only did it because we all got along well.
My initial years of experience were in consultancy companies, so I put it down to that: there's a pressure to act like every member of your team is an expert when they are being charged to the client on a day rate. But I've since joined a big product focussed company and the experience has been exactly the same (and massively exacerbated by working remotely for a year).
As I result I've become the classic "one year of experience five times over", rather than "five years experience" guy.
I don't want this to read as a complaint - I'm fully aware that many people thrive in the environment I described. I've seen them thriving! I'm mostly just curious. It's too late for me anyway, I'm clinging on to my current job until I get fired or figure out what my next career will be.
I guess I just want confirmation - is this industry only for people who very self motivated and don't expect any hand-holding?
"one year of experience five times over"
I sort of have this too. I did become the guy with 5 years experience at one point. They decided not to promote me (I'm intermediate and was acting tech lead) and violated some policies to my detriment. Then they outsourced me and my team. Two years later, they shipped that entire sub-org over to another company they are "partnering" with. So I guess I'm trying to say that the industry can screw you whether you have 5 years experience or 5 single years of experience.