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Google's biggest business failing around that era was how far behind they were in cloud computing. GCE only launched in 2013. EC2 launched 2007-ish. In 2014, unless you were paying attention to Amazon, it wasn't obvious how big of a blunder this was, yet.

I feel like in 2014, at least in my circles, AWS was already a behemoth.

> EC2 launched 2007-ish

Aug 2006: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWS#History

I'm pretty sure that they had app engine in 2010, I was building a company on it then. Or does it not count as cloud computing?

App Engine team was maybe a 5-10 engineers. It wanted to be the next Heroku, whereas AWS aimed to be the infrastructure for all the world's software.

They did, but I called out GCE because you're not a serious cloud provider without (virtual) machines you can do what you want with.

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