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This should have (2014) at the end of the title. Very interesting though especially with the hindsight of 7 more years...

That's what made it kind of an interesting read. All of the 'nicer Larry' projects in the article flopped, from Google+ to wearables to unsupervised learning being useful commercially.

Google's biggest business failing around that era was how far behind they were in cloud computing. GCE only launched in 2013. EC2 launched 2007-ish. In 2014, unless you were paying attention to Amazon, it wasn't obvious how big of a blunder this was, yet.

I feel like in 2014, at least in my circles, AWS was already a behemoth.

> EC2 launched 2007-ish

Aug 2006: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWS#History

I'm pretty sure that they had app engine in 2010, I was building a company on it then. Or does it not count as cloud computing?

App Engine team was maybe a 5-10 engineers. It wanted to be the next Heroku, whereas AWS aimed to be the infrastructure for all the world's software.

They did, but I called out GCE because you're not a serious cloud provider without (virtual) machines you can do what you want with.

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