I've taken to using a similar format too, though some seem to dislike it significantly. Other things I like for clarity and editing ease are prefix commas and lining up like parts, using something like your example:
SELECT a.foo
, b.bar
, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
SELECT a.foo
, b.bar
, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b
ON a.id = b.alpha_id
AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g
ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
I'm not consistent with the layout of my joining predicates - I go for whatever seems clearer given the current circumstances and that varies due to several factors (number of parts, length of column names and/or functions, ...). How sub-queries and instances of CASE are broken into lines and indented is something I also vary on.
I can see why. The indentation of the whole statement is not determined by the first line, but by the 6th on the first and the 8th on the second on a `JOIN` clause. It's really arbitrary, and when you have that statement between other code, it's going to be weird how the start of the statement is much more indented than its preceding code. I really dislike it, too.
I prefer the use of indentation to signal what's inside another syntax structure. So, for example, I also dislike how you aligned `ON` and `AND` when the `AND` is inside the `ON` expression. It makes it seem like the two lines are on the same syntactic level.
Here's how I do it:
SELECT a.foo
, b.bar
, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b
ON a.id = b.alpha_id
AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g
ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
You might also notice that I removed the padding you used to align the `=` signs. I dislike big changes where the only thing that changed for a line is the whitespace padding. It obscures the real change. It might not seem like a big thing when you only have 2 lines in alignment, but it's a real bother when reading a diff that does that for more lines. You have to compare between the - and + lines to find what really changed instead of the diff telling you outright.
> and when you have that statement between other code
In many circumstances (chunks of SQL in SSIS steps and so forth) there is no code to be around. Within longer tracks of SQL I'll not let "LEFT OUTER JOIN" push the whole statement to the right, but will drop the table name to the next line and maintain the alignment from there on.
> removed the padding you used to align the `=` signs. I dislike big changes where the only thing that changed for a line is the whitespace padding. It obscures the real change
For modifying existing code, I will sometimes let the alignment slide to avoid unnecessary extra lines of change. Though a good visual diff tool will have the option to ignore white-space-only changes and I'm not concerned about patch sizes being a few lines bigger.
To fix the alignment there may be a subsequent check-in that tidies up non-functional elements of the code. I'm happy to have an extra item in history in order to maintain readability over a stream of unaligned text.
Something I've wanted for a long time in code editors is for tabs after the first non-whitespace character on a line to line up, that way such alignment could be managed without extra effort or extra lines in a diff. There would need to be some simple heuristics to control breaking the alignment (and these may need to vary between languages) and perhaps some way to control/override them (a directive in comments?) in edge cases.
Maintaining alignment in these queries seems a pain. I'd prefer the regular, newlines and fixed indentation; e.g.:
SELECT a.foo, b.bar, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
(bonus: "AND" got accidentally aligned with the end of "WHERE")
I like your second version. My own style, still evolving, is to write more lines and align further left
, b.bar
, g.zed
from alpha a
inner join beta b on
b.alpha_id = a.id
and b.thing = a.another
left join gamma g on
g.beta_id = b.id
a.val > 1
and b.col < 2
order by
I like the idea in general, I have tried something similar before. But I've never understood the appeal of leading commas. It screws up your alignment and just looks messy.
Personally I like leading commas for the ergonomics rather than the aesthetics. When I'm developing or debugging a query the first column is typically the one I'm least likely to change. I tend to build up the query from there, so the last columns are the ones I'm most likely to change or to comment out. Plus I find it easiest to interpret the result set when columns that I'm using as a temporary reference are at the very end of the row. So for the way I work, I've found that with leading commas I don't have to do as much futzing about with commas.
My job involves a lot of ELT pipelines though and the queries I'm writing are often to transform a client's data from whatever ill-conceived data model they've been using to a standard data model that we use for all clients. Those queries require a lot more "detective work" to get right than the queries that run against our standard data model. If I was just writing queries against the standard, I'm not sure I'd spend enough time developing/debugging to really notice any ergonomic benefit.
I hear this argument all the time but it makes no sense. Leading commas only help you comment out the last line. Any comma arrangement allows you to comment any intermediate line. It’s sacrificing readability and aesthetics for a tiny benefit on one row.
likelihood of commenting out last N lines >> .. first N lines
What happens is I want to comment out a join entirely, and all its columns. I rarely find myself commenting out the first column. I'd prefer trailing commas on every element, where allowed, to be sure! but leading isn't so bad once I got used to it.
Plus to scan for a missing leading comma is a linear (literally!) search whereas [missing] trailing commas don't line up.
You can easily add remove columns like this, just removing the entire line. If you add the comma the traditional way, you will change 2 lines (the end of previous line with comma, and the new line). It's nice for maintenance and diff'ing