Avoid them on the column-side of expressions. This is called sargability [1], and refers to the ability of the query engine to limit the search to a specific index entry or data range.
For example, WHERE SUBSTRING(field, 1, 1) = "A" will still cause a full table scan and the SUBSTRING function will be evaluated for every row, while WHERE field LIKE "A%" can use a partial index scan, provided an index on the field column exists.
Prefer = to LIKE
And therefore this advice is wrong. As long as your LIKE expression doesn't start with a wildcard, LIKE can use an index just fine.
Filter with WHERE before HAVING
This usually isn't an issue, because the search terms you would use under HAVING can't be used in the WHERE clause. But yes, the other way around is possible, so the rule of thumb is: if the condition can be evaluated in the WHERE clause, it should be.
Be aware that not all database engines perform predicate propagation across CTE boundaries. That is, a query like this:
WITH allRows AS (
result = difficult_calculation(col)
FROM table)
SELECT result
FROM allRows
WHERE id = 15;
might cause the database engine to perform difficult_calculation() on all rows, not just row 15. All big databases support this nowadays, but it's not a given.
Also, some databases allow you to index the result of a function. Oracle calls them "function-based indexes". PostgreSQL seems to call them "indexes on expressions".
And MySQL seems to support "generated columns" which can be "virtual" and can have indexes. (Although in that case the expression lives in the column definition, so it's not actually in a where clause.)
Also, I guess some databases probably let you have an index on a view, which could be another way.
So if you really need a function in your where clause, there may very well be a way to do it efficiently. Of course, the usual caveat applies that it requires more I/O to maintain more indexes.
MySQL 8.0 actually added support for functional indexes, but I found out the hard way that they don't work the same way as indexing generated columns. For me the biggest issue were the caveats around using the indexed column in conditions, which resulted in the index not being used in surprising situations. Anyways, I had to revert to generated columns which was a shame because it was a feature I had looked forward to using.
Advice would have to be tailored to specific database technologies and probably specific versions.
For example, in Apache Impala and Spark, "Prefer = to LIKE" is good advice, especially in join conditions, where an equijoin would allow the query planner to use a Hash Join, whereas a non equijoin limits the query planner to a Nested Loop join.
This is ultimately my problem with databases. We use the term as a catchall, but every implementation is different and is unified only in that they store tables and can respond to SQL.
People treat deciding your app will have a database as a design decision when in reality it is only about 10% of a design decision.
That's a challenge with meatspace infrastructure too. You can have a standardized design for (e.g.) an airport, but "commercial jets" actually represents a wide variety of vehicles with different needs and tolerances, so all designs have to be adapted to the specific circumstances.
Postgres and the likes allows trigram indexes for like queries, and expression based indexes just fine.
This argument doesn't really pass the smell test.
An argument for using the where syntax in simplish adhoc queries: It is a lot shorter and has simpler syntax. Speed is more important than maintainability in this context and it shouldn't result in errors.
Basically, instead of writing
"inner join table2 on"
you can just write "and" and put it after your other where clauses.
It doesn't result in errors because the query will fail if referring to fields from the second table when there is no join.
Could even put the join where clauses on a separate line to split them out from the other where clauses.
It does require reworking the query if not doing an inner join but that is what at least I usually want when doing ad hoc queries. Agree that the join syntax should be used in production code.
There is a semantic difference, in the context of handling NULLs: EXISTS only checks the size of the result set, so even a subquery that returns (NULL, NULL, NULL) will satisfy the EXISTS condition. IN, on the other hand, performs data equality checks on the results, so NULL rows will never yield a positive match.
Usually, this doesn't make a difference as an EXISTS check is mostly used on the primary key (or business key) of a table, which is (hopefully) non-nullable. But it can sometimes give surprising results when using EXISTS on a nullable column, or for worse results, NOT IN.
This is an aside, but a colleague years back showed me his preferred method formatting SQL statements, and I've always found it to be the best in terms of readability, I just wish there was more automated tool support for this format. The idea is to line up the first value from each clause. Visually it makes it extremely easy to "chunk" the statement by clause, e.g.:
SELECT a.foo, b.bar, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id
LEFT JOIN gamma g ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
This is the style I've settled on lately, where all the major keywords are left-aligned and the clauses are consistently indented. It uses a bit more vertical space, but I find it easier to read than any other formatting style I've seen (in the wild or produced by formatters).
alpha a
beta b
on b.alpha_id = a.id
left join
gamma g
on g.beta_id = b.id
a.val > 1
and b.col < 2
order by
It's really easy, for me anyway, to get an overview of the query with this style compared to styles that are more cramped or that are inconsistently wrapped/indented.
For simpler queries, I think this is okay too, but only if the clauses easily fit on a single line:
I do this style too, but think of each new row as basically a new table being added to the query (especially if it's a query, which may go over several rows and is indented):
alpha a
inner join beta b on b.id = a.id
left outer join gamma g on g.id = a.id
left outer join (
select z.id, count(\*) as cnt from zeta z
) delta on delta.id = a.id
10 years messing with data across 5 major flavors of sql and this is the format I've settled on and advocated for my team. It seems to flow the best and be easiest for people to get used to.
I've found that using hanging indents and using prefixed binary operators, like you did here, is the most readable form and when adding additional clauses, makes for a readable diff.
SELECT a.foo, b.bar, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id
LEFT JOIN gamma g ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
Usually only the conditions get deep and can also use extra indented parenthesized parts.
We are doing something very similar, except we add extra indentation to the joins like you did for the second condition in the WHERE. This is because we strongly separate each block - SELECT, FROM, WHERE, <ORDER>, so everything that is in the FROM block is indented. Same for the SELECT if it so long it goes to a second or third row.
I haven't seen my formatting pattern listed, so here is the equivalent how I'd write it:
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id
LEFT JOIN gamma g
ON b.id = g.beta_id
AND a.id = g.alpha_id
a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
My problem with formatting any code like this is that it can make diffs painful. I agree that this looks better but I would say only marginally so. And I really have no problems reading code that isn't lined up like this. I don't really have a high care level, though. I'm happy to go with the team on this one.
I don't see why you think it would make diffs painful. If anything, in my experience it makes diffs easier because each chunk can be put on it's own, independent line so that if you change anything it is constrained to the relevant line.
It makes diffs harder because maintaining the indentation rule (sometimes, depending on what is on other lines) requires changing every line of the query if you go from “INNER JOIN” (equally, outer/right/cross join) to “LEFT JOIN” (equally, full join).
The indentation rules never change. Fortunately, "SELECT" at six letters is as long as the longest first word that starts a clause, which is why when doing, for example, a "LEFT JOIN" you line up the "LEFT" and not the "JOIN, e.g.
SELECT a.foo
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ...
would become
SELECT a.foo
FROM alpha a
LEFT JOIN beta b ...
Any diff tool correctly highlights the only change is the LEFT.
Jetbrains tools - specifically, PyCharm & Intellij IDEA - support this (gutter alignment) via the "Joe Celko" code style. With that enabled, you can autoformat you SQL to follow that convention.
https://www.sqlinform.com/ is an excellent SQL formatting tool, where you can tweak the settings to whatever extent you like. I keep it around in notepad++ just for formatting SQL the way I like, even when writing/testing the SQL in VSCode or a DB tool.
I've taken to using a similar format too, though some seem to dislike it significantly. Other things I like for clarity and editing ease are prefix commas and lining up like parts, using something like your example:
SELECT a.foo
, b.bar
, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
SELECT a.foo
, b.bar
, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b
ON a.id = b.alpha_id
AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g
ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
I'm not consistent with the layout of my joining predicates - I go for whatever seems clearer given the current circumstances and that varies due to several factors (number of parts, length of column names and/or functions, ...). How sub-queries and instances of CASE are broken into lines and indented is something I also vary on.
I can see why. The indentation of the whole statement is not determined by the first line, but by the 6th on the first and the 8th on the second on a `JOIN` clause. It's really arbitrary, and when you have that statement between other code, it's going to be weird how the start of the statement is much more indented than its preceding code. I really dislike it, too.
I prefer the use of indentation to signal what's inside another syntax structure. So, for example, I also dislike how you aligned `ON` and `AND` when the `AND` is inside the `ON` expression. It makes it seem like the two lines are on the same syntactic level.
Here's how I do it:
SELECT a.foo
, b.bar
, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b
ON a.id = b.alpha_id
AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g
ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
You might also notice that I removed the padding you used to align the `=` signs. I dislike big changes where the only thing that changed for a line is the whitespace padding. It obscures the real change. It might not seem like a big thing when you only have 2 lines in alignment, but it's a real bother when reading a diff that does that for more lines. You have to compare between the - and + lines to find what really changed instead of the diff telling you outright.
> and when you have that statement between other code
In many circumstances (chunks of SQL in SSIS steps and so forth) there is no code to be around. Within longer tracks of SQL I'll not let "LEFT OUTER JOIN" push the whole statement to the right, but will drop the table name to the next line and maintain the alignment from there on.
> removed the padding you used to align the `=` signs. I dislike big changes where the only thing that changed for a line is the whitespace padding. It obscures the real change
For modifying existing code, I will sometimes let the alignment slide to avoid unnecessary extra lines of change. Though a good visual diff tool will have the option to ignore white-space-only changes and I'm not concerned about patch sizes being a few lines bigger.
To fix the alignment there may be a subsequent check-in that tidies up non-functional elements of the code. I'm happy to have an extra item in history in order to maintain readability over a stream of unaligned text.
Something I've wanted for a long time in code editors is for tabs after the first non-whitespace character on a line to line up, that way such alignment could be managed without extra effort or extra lines in a diff. There would need to be some simple heuristics to control breaking the alignment (and these may need to vary between languages) and perhaps some way to control/override them (a directive in comments?) in edge cases.
Maintaining alignment in these queries seems a pain. I'd prefer the regular, newlines and fixed indentation; e.g.:
SELECT a.foo, b.bar, g.zed
FROM alpha a
JOIN beta b ON a.id = b.alpha_id AND a.another = b.thing
LEFT JOIN gamma g ON b.id = g.beta_id
WHERE a.val > 1
AND b.col < 2
ORDER BY a.foo
(bonus: "AND" got accidentally aligned with the end of "WHERE")
I like your second version. My own style, still evolving, is to write more lines and align further left
, b.bar
, g.zed
from alpha a
inner join beta b on
b.alpha_id = a.id
and b.thing = a.another
left join gamma g on
g.beta_id = b.id
a.val > 1
and b.col < 2
order by
I like the idea in general, I have tried something similar before. But I've never understood the appeal of leading commas. It screws up your alignment and just looks messy.
Personally I like leading commas for the ergonomics rather than the aesthetics. When I'm developing or debugging a query the first column is typically the one I'm least likely to change. I tend to build up the query from there, so the last columns are the ones I'm most likely to change or to comment out. Plus I find it easiest to interpret the result set when columns that I'm using as a temporary reference are at the very end of the row. So for the way I work, I've found that with leading commas I don't have to do as much futzing about with commas.
My job involves a lot of ELT pipelines though and the queries I'm writing are often to transform a client's data from whatever ill-conceived data model they've been using to a standard data model that we use for all clients. Those queries require a lot more "detective work" to get right than the queries that run against our standard data model. If I was just writing queries against the standard, I'm not sure I'd spend enough time developing/debugging to really notice any ergonomic benefit.
I hear this argument all the time but it makes no sense. Leading commas only help you comment out the last line. Any comma arrangement allows you to comment any intermediate line. It’s sacrificing readability and aesthetics for a tiny benefit on one row.
likelihood of commenting out last N lines >> .. first N lines
What happens is I want to comment out a join entirely, and all its columns. I rarely find myself commenting out the first column. I'd prefer trailing commas on every element, where allowed, to be sure! but leading isn't so bad once I got used to it.
Plus to scan for a missing leading comma is a linear (literally!) search whereas [missing] trailing commas don't line up.
You can easily add remove columns like this, just removing the entire line. If you add the comma the traditional way, you will change 2 lines (the end of previous line with comma, and the new line). It's nice for maintenance and diff'ing
While the comma placement may seem weird, it makes this exactly identical to the "AND" or "OR" placement in WHERE clauses, and the primary benefit is that it's easy to comment out any column except the first.
It's always easy to comment out any column except the first or last. Leading commas make it easy to comment out the last column, trailing commas make it easy to comment out the first.
Personally I don't think that optimization is worth the price. Trailing commas look nicer visually so I prefer them.
Don't worry about it; you didn't misread. I wasn't aware of AppleScript and HyperTalk, and though I read a bit on Lua some years ago, I either forgot or never realized that it used `--` for comments.
> Although it’s possible to join using a WHERE clause (an implicit join), prefer an explicit JOIN instead, as the ON keyword can take advantage of the database’s index.
This implies that WHERE style join can't use indices.
I can understand why some would prefer either syntax for readability/style reasons. But the idea that one uses indices and the other not, seems highly dubious.
Looking at the postgres manual [1], the WHERE syntax is clearly presented as the main way of inner joining tables. The JOIN syntax is described as an "alternative syntax":
> This [INNER JOIN] syntax is not as commonly used as the one above, but we show it here to help you understand the following topics.
Maybe some database somewhere cannot optimise queries properly unless JOIN is used? Or is this just FUD?
> This syntax is not as commonly used as the one above
This is going to need some sources. Is it true today? And why did they put parentheses in the ON condition?
Worth nothing that there were variants of the WHERE syntax to support left joins using vendor-specific operators such as A += B, A = B (+) -- those are clearly deprecated today. [1] [2]
I have a really hard time finding any source on the internet that recommends using the WHERE style joins. So by extension, I wouldn't expect to be used much anymore except for legacy projects. MS SQL Server docs docs mention ON syntax being "preferred" [3], and MySQL says "Generally, the ON clause serves for conditions that specify how to join tables, and the WHERE clause restricts which rows to include in the result set." [4]
The PostgreSQL docs seem misleading and outdated to me.
Indeed, they will perform the same or very close (the query plan might differ a bit due to the different orderings). Not sure where the author got that from. I'm complaining about the docs only.
> the WHERE syntax is clearly presented as the main way of inner joining tables.
As someone who debugs a lot of SQL, I prefer the ON clause for one major reason - it is easy to notice it if it is missing.
So there was a customer who had a wrote 300 terabytes of intermediate data out of a badly written query, which wasn't caught because they ran the equivalent of
"select * from orders, customers ... "
and ended up commenting out the o_cust_id = c_cust_id in the bottom of the where clause while they were messing about with it.
And another example of a CTE which was missing the ON clause, but the outer query did have a where clause and that was great till someone else cut-pasted the CTE into a materialized view & tried to rebuild it.
> Maybe some database somewhere cannot optimise queries properly unless JOIN is used?
Until Apache calcite came in, Apache Hive could not always find the table which was joined against out of a where clause (so you'd find TPC-H queries which were planned as cross-products between the same table with different aliases etc - like Query 7 was badly planned from the beginning of Hive till Hive 1.2 and only optimally planned in Hive 3.x).
But SQL engines have gotten much better over the years & most people should write it for readability than for execution order, but the readability is really why I like the ON syntax, particularly while chop-debugging a big query written by some poor guy who was translating COBOL into SQL.
I don’t think I have ever seen that way of doing an inner join in the wild, despite working as a DBA or data engineer for the past 15 years, 10 of those Postgres-only roles.
I started my dba roles back with mssql 6.5, and the join using where was all that was supported. I found the join syntax much more clear around intent and moved as soon as it was available.
Yes absolutely, and not just for performance benefits. It's much easier to track what, how, and why you're joining to something when it's not jumbled together in a list of a dozen conditions in the WHERE clause.
I can't tell you how much bad data I've had to fix because when I break apart the implicit conditions into explicit joins it is absolutely not doing what the original author intended and it would have been obvious with an explicit join.
And then in the explicit join, always be explicit about the join type. don't just use JOIN when you want an INNER JOIN. Otherwise I have to wonder if the author accidentally left off something.
Does anyone have any good resources for practicing SQL queries? I recently had an interview where I did well on a project and the programming portions, but fumbled on the more SQL queries that were above basic joins. I didn't realize how much I need to learn and practice. I don't know if my lack of knowledge was enough to cost me the position or not yet, but I'd like to prepare for the future either way.
I've seen a few websites, but I don't know which ones to use. Or maybe there is a dataset with practice question I could download?
Edit: I found https://pgexercises.com and it's been fantastic so far. Much more responsive than other sites, clear questions, and free.
This seems like reasonable discussion, but you would get far more traction if you have an opportunity to write an entire schema from scratch in the proper way.
Not having to fight assumptions along lines of improperly denormalized columns (i.e. which table is source of truth for a specific fact) can auto-magically simplify a lot of really horrible joins and other SQL hack-arounds that otherwise wouldn't be necessary. The essential vs accidental complexity battle begins right here with domain modeling.
You should be seeking something around 3rd normal form when developing a SQL schema for any arbitrary problem domain. Worry about performance after it's actually slow. A business expert who understands basic SQL should be able to look at and understand what every fact & relation table in your schema are for. They might even be able to help confirm the correctness of business logic throughout or even author some of it themselves. SQL can be an extremely powerful contract between the technology wizards and the business people.
More along lines of the original topic - I would strongly advocate for views in cases where repetitive, complex queries are being made throughout the application. These serve as single points of reference for a particular projection of facts and can dramatically simplify downstream queries.
One of the strengths of Metabase is that it can plug into a variety of data sources, not just RDBMS. For example, AWS Athena over data in S3 buckets. Good design can still make things easier, of course, but not always an option. Relational purity is not going to be an option in such circumstances, so are in my opinion correctly not addressed in the piece.
More that its a dumbed-down general guide aimed at meta base users?
Use-the-index-luke is an altogether deeper, more technical article aimed at data engineers and going into the details and differences between databases.
I disagree. Professional developers should know their database of choice inside and out, and use-the-index-luke helps with that. You can skip the details about databases that aren't relevant to you.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but there is nothing in that article that is not included in the basic SQL manuals like Itzik Ben-Gan's.
Also a few things are dead wrong: the "make the haystack small" is optimization (it should be at the end, as the first rule says), the "prefer UNION ALL to UNION" is missing the context (a good dev knows what is needed, not what to prefer) and the usage of CTEs is nice, but sometimes slower that other options and in SQL slower can easily be orders of magnitude, so nice is not enough. Same for 'avoid sorting where possible, especially in subqueries' or "use composite indexes" (really? it's a basic thing, not a best practice).
In the past few months I interviewed and hired several DBAs, this list is ok-ish for a junior but a fail for a senior. I am not working for FAANG, so the bar is pretty low, this article would not even pass for a junior there.
CTE advice is somewhat questionable, as it is database specific.
CTEs were for a very long time an optimization fence in PostgreSQL, were not inlined and behaved more like temporary materialized views.
Only with release of PostgreSQL 12 some CTE inlining is happening - with limitations: not recursive, no side-effects and are only referenced once in a later part of a query.
NB: this post is mostly performance advice, and it only applies to traditional databases. Specifically, it is not good advice for big data columnar DBs, for instance a limit clause doesn't help you at all on BigQuery and grabbing fewer columns really does.
Is there a good place to read from an advanced casual "lay user's" perspective what SQL query optimizers do in the background after you submit the query?
I would love to know, so that I can know what optimizations and WHERE / JOIN conditions I should really be careful about making more efficient, versus others that I don't have to worry because the optimizer will take care of it.
For example, if I'm joining 2 long tables together, should I be very careful to create 2 subtables with restrictive WHERE conditions first, so that it doesn't try to join the whole thing, or is the optimizer taking care of that if lump that query all into one entire join and only WHERE it afterwards? How do you tell what columns are indexed and inexpensive to query frequently, and which are not? Is it better to avoid joining on floating point value BETWEEN conditions?
You basically only need to know one thing to answer all your questions: use EXPLAIN PLAN. Postgresql has "explain analyze", which is even better than simple "explain", but all SQL databases have "explain", because they are kinda useless without it. The database will tell you what it's going to do (or what it did) and you will decide whether that's ok or whether it's doing something stupid (e.g. full table scan when only 1% of rows is needed), and then you can try things to get the plan that you want (ensuring statistics are up to date, adding indexes, changing the query, etc).
Databases have ways to query the schema which includes the index definitions, so you can know which columns and indexed (and the order of the columns in those indexes).
Unless you materialize a temporary table or materialized view or use a CTE with a planner that doesn't look inside CTEs, the planner will just "inline" your subqueries (what are "subtables"?) and it will not affect the way the join is performed.
Join on floating point value is quite rare. Why do you need to do that?
>Join on floating point value is quite rare. Why do you need to do that?
Ah, thanks for noticing this. They are, for example, (1) tables of timestamped events, and (2) tables of time ranges in which those events need to be associated with (but which unfortunately were not created with that in mind at the time)...
So for example
FROM tableA
LEFT JOIN tableB ON (timestampA BETWEEN timestampB1 AND timestampB2)
(and where the timestamps can be either floating point or integer nanoseconds)
Since it's a left join, you will get all the rows from tableA, and for each row the matching rows in tableB. If the ranges in tableB are non-overlapping, maybe you have names for time ranges and you want the name of the time range for each row in tableA?
If tableB is large, I don't know what any particular query planner will do with such a query and whether an index on (timestampB1, timestampB2) will help. It should, but use "explain" to check. If tableB has many rows and also has many columns and you only need a few columns, a covering index on (timestampB1, timestampB2) that only has the columns you need can improve perf a lot, because it won't need to refer to tableB itself.
If you use this construction to translate timestamp ranges into calendar ranges, your database might have a function to do that efficiently (convert unix timestamp into datetime, extract year/month/day/etc from the datatime). Or you might need to write a user defined function to do that, in whatever way your database allows (even C). This should be better than a join, IMO.
One alternative rewriting of your query which you maybe did not think of, and which might be crazy or might be plausible, is to use a case statement in the select part, instead of a join. Basically use the info in tableB to generate the SQL for a computed column. If tableB has many rows, this might be worse than a join.
If you want to use "names" from tableB to filter rows in tableA (inner join), and the query should result in a small proportion of the rows from tableA, an index on timestampA is needed. If tableA is really large, it might need to be partitioned on timestampA to filter out whole partitions, but only if you regularly query in such a way that whole partitions can be filtered out at query planning time.
My experience is with Postgres, this might vary for other databases. As already said, using EXPLAIN ANALYZE is very useful to see what the planner is doing. This might be hard to read for more complex queries, but it is quite understandable for simple ones.
One of the more important parts is simply understanding which indexes can be used in a query. The other part is understanding when the database will intentionally not use an index, this is mostly related to column statistics. The basics of indexes are pretty simple, but then there is a whole bunch of subtle details that can mean the index can't actually be used for your query.
Another useful part to understand is how much IO a query requires, EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) is helpful for that. But you also need to understand a bit the layout Postgres uses to store data, how it is stored in pages, TOAST and related stuff.
For Postgres I'd really start with reading the manual on index types and on the statistics collector. After that I'd just play with explain analyze for queries you're writing.
The order of JOINS is optimized automatically in Postgres, but only up to a pointf, for a large number of joins it has to fall back to heuristics.
"Best practices for writing SQL queries in metabase" should be the title here.
10 or so years ago when SQL Server, Oracle & MySQL dominated the industry, you could talk about SQL optimization with the expectation that all advice was good advice. There are too many flavors of databases to do that today.
Overall an enjoyable read, but as someone who includes SQL queries in code, I disagree with two points:
I despise table aliases and usually remove them from queries. To me, they add a level of abstraction that obscures the purpose of the query. They're usually meaningless strings generated automatically by the tools used by data analysts who rarely inspect the underlying SQL for readability. I fully agree that you should reference columns explicitly with the table name, which I think is the real point they're trying to make in the article.
While it's true that sorting is expensive, the downstream benefits can be huge. The ability to easily diff sorted result sets helps with troubleshooting and can also save significant storage space whenever the results are archived.
Table aliases make queries much less verbose than using the full table name, and more readable as a result. Aliases are unavoidable when you're joining the table more than once. Not using qualified identifiers is just asking for trouble.
Short aliases - I tend to use the first letter of each word in the table name - work best, IMO.
I'm the opposite. I like the short aliases, esp. when there are many tables. Short aliases can all be the same length, and therefore align better for better readability, and they don't pollute the visibility as overly-verbose table names do.
In code, I like the length of the variable name to be proportional to the size of the scope. Small scope -- short variable names.
Even there someone needs to read them eventually than just the person who wrote it. Single letter aliases are just evil. In some ways it’s the same as doing: String x = “Hello”
> Even there someone needs to read them eventually than just the person who wrote it.
That’s not an argument against table aliases, its an argument
against unclear table aliases.
Single letter table aliases are better than just using unqualified column names, both of which are worse than table aliases guided by the same naming rules you’d use for semantically-meaningful identifiers in regular program code.
In the case of ETL you should only be referencing those tables a few times because you are integrating them into friendly analytic models. In that case you probably have a lot of columns to wrangle and complex transformation logic. In those cases I prefer to use no alias at all to avoid the scrolling around to get context, even when table names are very long.
Aliases are pretty much mandatory if you need to join the same table twice; otherwise you have no way to disambiguate column references. I understand the case of auto-gen’ed queries. However, in page long queries that I’ve written by hand, short aliases (typically the acronym of the table name, sometimes with a one-letter suffix if the table is joined multiple times) make the whole query flow like a nice story.
I know what you mean. I think this is really a matter of readability vs comprehension. I want all the context on one line so I can understand it, even if that does technically make it harder to read that line.
While single letter aliases can be bad outside of small examples like that, even worse being:
SELECT t1.thing
, t2.stuff
, t3.stuffagain
, t4.more
FROM SomeTable t1
JOIN TableThatLinksToSelf t2 ON <join predicate>
JOIN TableThatLinksToSelf t3 ON <join predicate>
JOIN AnotherTable t4 ON <join predicate>
that is not the point that is being made here. The point is that explicitly naming tables is beneficial to understanding and reducing issues later. Short alias is preferable to not specifying column sources at all.
It's not just about lazy typing it's about removing unnecessary clutter from large queries that makes things harder to read. In the author/books example, repeating the words author and books a dozen times doesn't convey any information that a and b don't, but clutters up the query making it harder to see the useful parts.
I agree with the source that the latter (explicit table specification in the SELECT list, whether using aliases or not) is to be preferred to the former; at the same time (while I am sometimes guilty of using them) I agree that single-character aliases are generally a poor choice for the same reasons that’s generally true of single character identifier names; column aliases are variable (well, constant) names and the usual rules of meaningful identifier names apply.
The usefulness of this advice depends on the schema or design of the database. If the data is normalized, then it's quite reasonable to design for unambiguous field names in the queries after all relevant joins.
Sure it does not help to understand the origins of a given field without aliases, unless someone is very familiar with the schema.
Author probably could have chosen a better example such that it doesn't look like the author chose letters sequently. In this case the letters are meaningful as they are the same as the first of the table name, a common convention, unfortunately that happens to be the first two letters of the alphabet...which yes, would be very annoying.
Most of your queries shouldn't be so verbose as to confuse which aliases you are talking about, but I agree - here's the best format :) (because why put ON on another line anyway?)
FROM books AS bo
LEFT JOIN authors AS au ON
bo.author_id = au.id
actually, I'd say the best is “column aliases are like full identifiers that name what the entity is in the context of the query”.
In simple cases that may be just the singular of the table name, e.g.:
FROM books AS book
LEFT JOIN authors AS author ON
book.author_id = author.id
But in other cases, it will be different, e.g.:
manager.last_name || ', ' || manager.first_name AS manager_name,
coalesce(employee.title, 'All Titles') AS staff_title,
count(employee.id) AS count
FROM employees AS manager
LEFT JOIN employees AS employee ON
manager.id = employee.manager_id
GROUP BY manager.id, ROLLUP(employee.title)
HAVING employee.title IS NOT NULL
OR GROUPING(employee.title)=1
ON is required by the syntax. Why start every line with a keyword that describes the line except the ON portion of a JOIN? It's inconsistent and has no clear benefit.
>LIKE compares characters, and can be paired with wildcard operators like %, whereas the = >operator compares strings and numbers for exact matches. The = can take advantage of indexed columns.
Unless this specific to certain databases, LIKE can take advantage of indexes too, without wildcards LIKE should be nearly identical in performance to = both seeking the index.
>Using wildcards for searching can be expensive. Prefer adding wildcards to the end of strings. Prefixing a string with a wildcard can lead to a full table scan.
Which is contradictory to the first quote, it seems you recognize that a wildcard at the end can take advantage of an index. Full table scan is the same thing as not taking advantage of an index, hence LIKE can take advantage of normal indexes so long as there are characters before the first wildcard or has no wildcards.
Pedantically if your database supports index scans it can use the index on the column to scan for '%abc' rather than the whole table which can be much faster while not as a fast as a seek.
It can only do a seek if there are character before the wildcard: 'ab%c', 'abc%' and 'abc' getting progressively faster due to less index entries transversed.
> it can use the index on the column to scan for '%abc'
Using an index would just mean more overhead to fetch data later, so optimizers will prioritize a table scan in these cases since it would have less cost.
I think it would depend, wouldn't it? If the query can be answered directly from an index (there exists some index containing all of the columns required by the query) then an index scan would suffice and be faster by virtue of not having to scan all the data (the index would be smaller by not including all columns). I believe most modern DB query optimizers are capable of this.
If there isn't such an index, then it's a toss up: yes, going to the main table to fetch a row has a cost, but if there are only a few rows answered by the query, then it might be worth it. If there are many rows, that indirection will probably outweigh the benefit of the index scan & we'd be better off with a table scan. This would require an optimizer to estimate the number of rows the query would find. I don't know if modern DB query optimizers would do this or not. (And my naïve guess would be "they don't", specifically, that the statistics kept are not sufficiently detailed to answer any generalized LIKE expression.)
Not for LIKE clauses using suffix wildcards, unless you create an index specifically using such a condition (CREATE INDEX IX_blah ON table (column) WHERE column LIKE '%abc');
Depends on estimated selectivity and if the index covers the result as well.
If the criteria would fetch few rows out of many it can be faster to scan the index then retrieve the few matching results and even better if the index covers the results it never touches the table itself (index only scan).
This can't be determined with LIKE suffix wildcards and that's not how any of the commonly-used index data structures work (b-tree, hash, gist, or bitmap). Index metadata will not help in eliminating leaf pages, and every row is going to need to be scanned.
Yes every row of the index needs to be scanned not every row of the table which is faster than scanning the table.
I am most familiar with MS SQL server and it will most certainly do an index scan for what it thinks is a highly selective predicate with "suffix wildcards" and it can return results faster than scanning the table.
If the index covers the result columns it will scan the index and never touch the table otherwise it will do a key lookup to the table.
B-tree's do not work that way. They are inherently ordered, and contain min/max that help to determine if you can skip the page for a given condition. The min/max cannot be used for suffix wildcards.
Unless the index contains all the columns you're dealing with, the optimizer will determine that just scanning the table will cost less than scanning an index AND then looking up the data in the table (bookmark lookups in MSSQL).
B-trees have little to do with it, if the table has many columns its cheaper to scan the index for the value because it occupies less pages, thats all, less I/O more cache hits etc, goes from top to bottom on the index scanning for the result. This is the distinction between scan and seek.
I just ran a common one I see and yep MS SQL is still doing a index scan then key lookup to get result with a select * from table where col LIKE '%abc' type query.
Metabase is an amazing product, but I'm using Superset[0] in my company because it supports Azure AD SSO, which became a necessity for us. But as soon as this feature appears in Metabase, we are switching.
I think it would be easier to order things in terms of when they are executed. And perhaps it would be easier to teach SQL if the different parts where more obviously separate. As the different parts are actually distinct and don't really cross over. But to a newbie would seem procedural when it's not.
> Although it’s possible to join using a WHERE clause (an implicit join), prefer an explicit JOIN instead, as the ON keyword can take advantage of the database’s index.
Don’t most databases figure this out as part of the query planner anyway? Postgres has no problems using indexes for joins inside WHERE.
This article nudge me to google "SQL optimization tool". I found one that says: "Predict performance bottlenecks and optimize SQL queries, using AI". Basically, it gives you suggestions on how to improve your queries.
I wonder what the results would be if I ran the queries from this article through that tool.
this seems like taking on a pretty huge risk for a minor convenience. the difference between those two queries can mean the difference between protecting someone's PII
He’s saying if someone gets in the habit of using that style they have to be very careful. If they forget to change True to False when using an OR that it could have major consequences. Performance being the least of concerns.
I agree that such an error would be of the catastrophic type. It's interesting that several people seem to perceive this formatting approach as something that would increase the risk of that error. Is the red flag for people the WHERE TRUE on one line? Like, would this be less alarming to people?
I'm so attached to starting all my where clauses with a TRUE (1=1 since SQL Server doesn't have boolean literals) that I do this when I need some OR clauses:
FROM bar
AND (1<>1
OR baz > boom
OR fizz >= bang
AND foo is not null
So you can comment out lines starting with OR individually. Some people might hate it but it makes sense conceptually for me since almost every query I write takes a chain of ANDs in the where clause as a starting point.
"a = 'foo'" is exactly the same performance as "a like 'foo'" and very close to the performance as "a like 'foo%'" and is fully indexed. When you put a wildcard in the front, the entire index is avoided, so you gotta switch to full text search.
Avoid them on the column-side of expressions. This is called sargability [1], and refers to the ability of the query engine to limit the search to a specific index entry or data range. For example, WHERE SUBSTRING(field, 1, 1) = "A" will still cause a full table scan and the SUBSTRING function will be evaluated for every row, while WHERE field LIKE "A%" can use a partial index scan, provided an index on the field column exists.
Prefer = to LIKE
And therefore this advice is wrong. As long as your LIKE expression doesn't start with a wildcard, LIKE can use an index just fine.
Filter with WHERE before HAVING
This usually isn't an issue, because the search terms you would use under HAVING can't be used in the WHERE clause. But yes, the other way around is possible, so the rule of thumb is: if the condition can be evaluated in the WHERE clause, it should be.
Be aware that not all database engines perform predicate propagation across CTE boundaries. That is, a query like this:
might cause the database engine to perform difficult_calculation() on all rows, not just row 15. All big databases support this nowadays, but it's not a given.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sargable