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But you should be careful if it actually does takeoff. Firebase is freaking amazing, but the pricing can get crazy expensive.

I also tested Firebase but quickly ran into issues.

Firebase's database is a NoSQL database, whereas almost all my data for the apps and (micro-)SaaS I was building had relational data.

Their frontend data fetching felt clunky and did not fit my requirement.

Also, the fact that Firebase is a closed-source backend felt scary in the hands of Google (https://killedbygoogle.com/).

Firebase's problems and my desire to have the perfect backend made me build an open-source alternative to fix all the shortcomings. PostgreSQL instead of NoSQL. GraphQL instead of REST. 100% open source. That is now https://nhost.io.

Thanks for sharing. On first impressions, I found Nhost's product to be really cool, so much so that I actually applied for the open position of Product Designer [Tahmid].

That is a problem I'd love to have.

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