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For my typing SaaS, I found firebase hosting/realtime DB a ginormous time saver.

And since it hasn't taken off (and probably won't ever), it just costs me a pennies a month since I'm under their free limits, plus the domain.

But you should be careful if it actually does takeoff. Firebase is freaking amazing, but the pricing can get crazy expensive.

I also tested Firebase but quickly ran into issues.

Firebase's database is a NoSQL database, whereas almost all my data for the apps and (micro-)SaaS I was building had relational data.

Their frontend data fetching felt clunky and did not fit my requirement.

Also, the fact that Firebase is a closed-source backend felt scary in the hands of Google (https://killedbygoogle.com/).

Firebase's problems and my desire to have the perfect backend made me build an open-source alternative to fix all the shortcomings. PostgreSQL instead of NoSQL. GraphQL instead of REST. 100% open source. That is now https://nhost.io.

Thanks for sharing. On first impressions, I found Nhost's product to be really cool, so much so that I actually applied for the open position of Product Designer [Tahmid].

That is a problem I'd love to have.

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