Like many places, my job values dishonest harmony over honest conflict. The priority is always compromise and getting along, which results in design by committee, tons of wasted time, and generally low quality output. Of course, they don't say this explicitly, but actions speak louder than words.
I'm not in a place where I can leave my current job, and I realize that this is prevalent basically everywhere.
The issue is, I find myself essentially constantly walking on eggshells, unsure of when the situation calls for directness vs. being agreeable at all costs. This constantly delays projects and saps my energy, which negatively impacts the company, my career, and my happiness.
Are there any books HN can recommend that discuss this at high level? I'm not expecting a solution — but I'm hoping there is reading material out there that will help me understand and navigate this better.
* Management: A political activity by Ted Stephenson. For some reason, most people are not aware of this book. Deals with Power, Conflict, Bargaining, Compromise, Participation and Change. The opening line of the preface states "This book presents the view that management is substantially a political activity, based on power and characterized by conflict". Since we are dealing with Human organisms this is absolutely the right approach to take.
* The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work by Peter Block is also good but more idealistic. But be aware that trying to be/do good does not guarantee reciprocation.
* The Complete Upmanship: Including Gamesmanship, Lifemanship, One-upmanship and Supermanship by Stephen Potter. Humourous, but a great deal of life advice in it. Basically, how to put down other people and show yourself in the best light using "genteel" psychological means.
* Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures by Raymond Miltenberger. ABA psychology course textbook which is a must read.
* Brainwashing: The science of thought control by Kathleen Taylor. The title is bit sensationalist, but the content is very relevant.