An interesting hot take I read a while back (that I can't find) was that Google's strategy is generally "compete with every company on every product in order to build a moat, so that no one can touch search, which is the actual castle." And if you think about it makes a lot of sense -- Google competes with almost every other tech company on something, but no one competes with Google on search. The exception, perhaps, is voice search where Alexa / Siri are truly competitive.
Amazon has been aggressively eating into Google's search advertising market share, which is actually the biggest threat to Google's model today (aside from general obsolescence as activity drifts away from the open web).
And this seems to be about providing Google-only search result content that no competitor could equal since it's literally built on google's tech, RE: "Your story can then be surfaced in relevant Google Search results and Discover."
Interestingly. There's bound to be more people using Bing in the Silicon Valley bubble than outside it. This is because duckduckgo, the famed privacy focused search engine uses Bing as the back end.
I use Bing... sometimes. They literally give you rewards points (that can be redeemed for Microsoft/Xbox gift cards) for searching. Pretty funny, the lengths they go to get you to use Bing...