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Why does back off / retry require unpredictability?

To avoid a stampede of requests by synchronised clients.

That doesn't require unpredictability. For example, Mersenne Twister seeded from /dev/urandom would work fine for that, even though it's predictable because Mersenne Twister is predictable.

It does not require true unpredictability, the key aim being to have each host retry at a different time.

There is no need to cryptographic strength, which is costly, and pseudo-randomness is enough and much cheaper.

I think you're agreeing with me that unpredictability isn't necessary (e.g. Mersenne Twister would work fine).

I see you’ve replied to quite a few of the comments in this thread, but I think the basis of the disagreement isn’t in the specifics, but because you’re using a stronger definition of “unpredictability” than they are.

Today I learned that there are other aspects for CSPRNG beside the stronger definition of unpredictability. Wikipedia mentions inability to calculate previous values in case the hidden internal state gets revealed. So I assumed that top question was intentionally asking about weaker definition of predicatability not PRNG that have good enough unpredictability for CSPRNG but doesn't match other requirements.

I believe I'm using the same definition of unpredictability as the website. If other people are using other definitions that is indeed going to cause a lot of confusion.

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