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I think you're agreeing with me that unpredictability isn't necessary (e.g. Mersenne Twister would work fine).

I see you’ve replied to quite a few of the comments in this thread, but I think the basis of the disagreement isn’t in the specifics, but because you’re using a stronger definition of “unpredictability” than they are.

Today I learned that there are other aspects for CSPRNG beside the stronger definition of unpredictability. Wikipedia mentions inability to calculate previous values in case the hidden internal state gets revealed. So I assumed that top question was intentionally asking about weaker definition of predicatability not PRNG that have good enough unpredictability for CSPRNG but doesn't match other requirements.

I believe I'm using the same definition of unpredictability as the website. If other people are using other definitions that is indeed going to cause a lot of confusion.

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