At least one of these is just terrible. The “Facebook” one is written by some firm trying to hawk their monitoring stuff. It implies you can understand what happened inside from glorified traceroutes.
What actually happened that night is far more complicated, and has nothing to do with people intentionally disconnecting the site from the internet.
On a side note - many of these are good samples of technical writing. They introduce the audience to the environment where failure occurred, but in a way that doesn't take the focus away from the issue itself.
> Sweden. Use of different rulers by builders caused the Vasa to be more heavily built on its port side and the ship's designer, not having built a ship with two gun decks before, overbuilt the upper decks, leading to a design that was top heavy. Twenty minutes into its maiden voyage in 1628, the ship heeled to port and sank.
Can we also get some behind-NDA/service desk post mortems? IBM, Oracle Cloud, MuleSoft, Salesforce, etc. Having to submit a fucking service request to know why your business stopped running is a PITA.
What actually happened that night is far more complicated, and has nothing to do with people intentionally disconnecting the site from the internet.