The Switch is a good example - afaik there's still no official way to back up saves for a lot of games (botw included), and for the ones where cloud saves are supported it's still a monthly subscription. Your console dies, you lose your saves, no way around it other than jailbreaking.
The Switch hacking scene is also a good example just because of the sheer amount of effort poured into it - Atmosphere, the primary custom-firmware solution, is aiming to be a _full reimplementation_ of the Switch's firmware, kernel and all.
Additionally cloud saves are not supported on some games, including single-player first-party games, and Nintendo's excuse for that is because "cheating."
Animal Crossing and all four (technically two but you know) Pokemon games have no cloud save support at all, arguably all games for which players would absolutely want cloud saves. On top of this is a pretty long list of third-party titles.
Running homebrew, although I don't know if there's much of a homebrew scene for the ps4.
Also you can get a second hand ps4 pretty cheap nowadays relative to it's hardware and power consumption - could make a decent home server if you chucked some variety of linux on there (is there much support for the hardware?)