Never mind, it was easy: just add the following code at line 45 of
# Output .ply geometry for each face detected
ocnt = 0
for face in ver_lst:
with open('face_%04d.ply' % ocnt, 'w') as f:
x = face[0]
y = face[1]
z = face[2]
n = x.size
print('ply', file=f)
print('format ascii 1.0', file=f)
print('element vertex %d' % n, file=f)
print('property float x', file=f)
print('property float y', file=f)
print('property float z', file=f)
print('element face 0', file=f)
print('property list uchar int vertex_indices', file=f)
print('end_header', file=f)
for i in range(0, n):
print("%12.8f %12.8f %12.8f" % (x[i], y[i], z[i]), file=f)
ocnt += 1
And it pretty much works out of the box, something rather unusual for researchy code.
What would make this absolutely great is there was a way to output a wavefront OBJ file for the dense 3D geometry.