This looks really impressive, and I don't want to take anything away from the quality of the code itself here, but I feel like I have to point out that this repo is a school book example of how commit messages should not look:
This is an easy pattern to fall into when you're the only one in the project, I've been there myself, because you feel like "it doesn't matter, this isn't quite done yet anyway, and noone else will read it".
Well, here's the point:
- "Someone else" may very well be yourself a few months from now. Don't avoid good git practice, you're shooting yourself in the foot.
- Even if noone will read it now, someone may read it way down the line, when that one line you changed caused a really annoying bug. Imagine the feeling when the commit has no information on why the change was made. Commit messages are mandatory for a reason.
- If commit messages are not atomic and mix different files that aren't logically related, understanding what was done will be extremely hard, even for yourself looking back.
There are many guides available online on how to write good commit messages, I won't point out a single one of them as I don't feel one is authoritative over all others.
I'd also like to point out that this is something you need to know if you're ever going to collaborate on software projects, so learning it now is as good as a time as any.
Thanks for your advice. I have no experience on a cooperative project before, so my committed messages are kind of meaningless.
I think you are right. I will read the committing guidance and take care of them later. Thanks for your critical voice again.
Having flexibility for “pointless” commit messages is really important for research-y projects. Sadly, the practice often clashes with readers who have never really done research before.
A nice compromise is to use Github PRs plus squash-merge commits (search for “Github squash merge button”). For example, you might start a project, commit a bunch of “garbage” commit messages, and then decide the project is ready for initial release. Then take your branch, create a PR, and squash-merge it to your master branch with a nice commit message.
Need to update your paper on arxiv? Create a branch, commit willy-nilly, the squash-merge the result with a nice message (that perhaps references the updated arxiv version).
If for some reason your project grows like Caffe did years ago, then it can be time for smaller PRs and more organized commit messages.
Never mind, it was easy: just add the following code at line 45 of
# Output .ply geometry for each face detected
ocnt = 0
for face in ver_lst:
with open('face_%04d.ply' % ocnt, 'w') as f:
x = face[0]
y = face[1]
z = face[2]
n = x.size
print('ply', file=f)
print('format ascii 1.0', file=f)
print('element vertex %d' % n, file=f)
print('property float x', file=f)
print('property float y', file=f)
print('property float z', file=f)
print('element face 0', file=f)
print('property list uchar int vertex_indices', file=f)
print('end_header', file=f)
for i in range(0, n):
print("%12.8f %12.8f %12.8f" % (x[i], y[i], z[i]), file=f)
ocnt += 1
Thanks for your interest and try. The theory computation complexity is described in the paper, it is rather small. However, whether achieving real-time really depends on your hardware, your need and the code optimization.
thanks for your interest, releasing the training code should be granted by my lab leader. I am trying to apply for it. If you have any question, welcome to raise an issue or email me :)
I humbly recommend you add code so people can try out with online images: