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> The designer (Chris Roberts) landed way too much money


Currently at ~300 MILLION dollars? imagine if this game broke the 1 Billion $ barrier in funding.... that would be insane!

At this point its almost a "meme" to donate to this project. Like rich crazies on wsb's throwing money around, this projects donation button, probably hits the dopamine receptors too

>Currently at ~300 MILLION dollars?

But that's not so much for such a game, for comparison:

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" - $200 million

"Grand Theft Auto V" - $137.5 million to $265 million

"Destiny" - $500 million


Most of those include marketing too. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_video_g... Star Citizen has the highest development cost.

It is also two games, not one. Squadron 42 is being developed separately and will release separately to Star Citizen.

They also had a failed attempt at Squadron42 developed by a partner agency that was thrown away.

I would imagine that any multi-hundred-million project has had unproductive branches, pivots and starts. Star Citizens has been been more public, so it's harder to compare, but I don't think many of the others on the list had a straight path to what was released.

Star Wars: The Old Republic 200

Star Citizen 215+

But again if you compare SC to SW.....

> But again if you compare SC to SW.....

They are both pretty much failures?

Expect only one of them took money from customers before having anything to show for it.

>They are both pretty much failures

If something is not finished you cannot tell :-)

But one of them are a failure.

I think being 400% over schedule can be considered a kind of failure.

> rich crazies on wsb's

Could someone explain this, please? Is that wall street bets or something different?

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