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Competing with Adsense/Adwords (roughtype.com)
4 points by davidw on May 23, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

really interesting thought.

read/write/web had something similar to this idea, about an open source ad serving solution. if 62% of their advertising revenue is coming from 3rd party advertisers, and they're really taking 40-60% of revenues, i see great potential for someone (microsoft, yahoo, start up with a lot of press) to take over.

one quick idea is to state the portion you are taking, much like how e-bay lists how much they are taking from listings. and give publishers statistics on the types of ads served, and click through rates. you could really empower content creators this way.

i would be really interested in this type of project. the first thing i think would be to develop a contextual ad server, and eliminates click fraud. any other takers?

here's an article of how rw/w envisions ask.com developing an adsense competitor: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/the_future_of_ask.php

Here are the ways you can compete in serving ads: -Good advertiser campaign management and bidding tools.

-Good publisher management and reporting tools.

-Great contextual ad matching technology.


-High paying advertisers.

-A way to stop click fraud.

-Get top publishers

-Further develop their "hybrid" text ads. meaning having relevant images packaged with text ads.

This is fing brilliant. This is what Wikia Search should do.

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